Friday, May 21, 2010

very swollen and squishy feeling pads on all feet, but not painful?

my cat is 5 years old, indoor/outdoor, male, neutered tabby. it's been about 2 months since my daughter noticed the pads of his feet appeared to be very swollen (huge) and squishy (spongy) feeling. I examined them and they are not tender and have no sores and are not warm to the touch. i tried to ask the vet and all they say is you have to bring your cat in for an exam/tests. well i am in a financially embarassing situation at the moment and cant afford to go to the vet. can anyone tell me what this could be? they still look the same and they still dont appear to hurt. I have looked online everywhere and i can't seem to find but one very brief article that shows a picture of what i am describing but never says what it is, it was basicly another person saying their cat had this.
I think this: Plasma Cell Pododermatitis

I have a cat with this condition --- and its like you described. Here are some links to follow to see what you think.
it means your cat is diabetic. no more caramel corn for kitty. no more red licorice ropes for kitty. no more ju ju bees for kitty.. no more pop rocks for kitty.. bad kitty. bad
does it hurt the poor kitty if yes then it could be something serious check a vet and sorry about yr financial situation
You may want to research Diabetes , Cardiomyopithy, and or congestive heart failure. All three of those diseases can cause what you are discribing.

Try taking your kitty to the humane society sometimes they have low cost vet programs that could help you out while your in a finacial bind.
I had a cat who had the squishy paw pads. They weren't swollen but they were way too soft. I mean you could press on them and your finger would insert into them. He never seemed like they bothered him and having him at the vet they never mentioned it as a problem. I still don't know what caused it.
could be an infection. ask your vet to take a payment plan from you, if you are a good client they shouldn't have a problem with that.
Most of the time any swelling that accures will not be "squishy" but a firn tight feeling. Do you and your daughter play with his paws often enough to notice a "change in the size or "feeling" of hes pads? If they don't seem to be bothering him and he is walking and running normally, It may be nothing at all.
I do know from my own experience as a cat owner that about age 5 to 7 cats will start to put on a couple of pounds of "mid life weight". Something else to consider..he may have stepped into a bed of ants or bugs that bit him causeing this reaction. Have any of your neighbors put out any FERTILIZER or CHEMICALS? He may not like you for this but your might consider rinsing his paws off in some water, just in case it's a chemical reaction.
Also, don't forget to check between his toes for ticks and what nots.
If he's not bothered or running a fever, it's probably not anthing too serious.

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