Sunday, August 2, 2009

there's no blood in his pee but he pees often.. he just went 2 times in 10 mins.. and he pees alot at a time.

that's why i'm wondering what can be the cause of all this!!?? if it would be an infection wouldn't he not pee has much?? he drinks alot of water also.. this may sound gross but sometimes he sticks it out and licks it like crazy.. he did the same thing about 4 weeks ago lasted about 4-5 days and now started again makes about 2 days?? the lady upstairs from me had 3 cats 2 female and 1 male and the females were in heat and arent fixed could that be one of the problems?? and i have a female cat also but she's fixed..
Hi there again.if he has an infection he would be urinating more not less, because he feels the urgency to need to go. Also there would not necessarily be any blood in the urine However, I suspect that he is spraying and it's on and off so many days apart because he isn't neutered. Cats also in close proximity even if they are fixed will cause his hormones to become excitable. He's licking his penis because he feels the hormonal urge.

I'm not sure what you are looking for in an answer as the symptoms are very clear based on your previous questions. I work with cat breeders and this is what their male cats do when they become sexually excited, which is on and off every week and constantly spraying every so many minutes.

If you are truly concerned since this has been occuring for the past 4 weeks as you've indicated in your questions here in , please consider taking him to the vet to be evaluated to be sure.

Your former questions:

what can be causing a male cat too pee often and sometimes pee in other places then in the litter box?
Asked by Kelly B - 12 answers - Cats - 30 minutes ago - Open
so fo my previous ? it's more likely too be an infection or in heat?
Asked by Kelly B - 2 answers - Cats - 4 hours ago - Open
why does a male cat pee so often? he's been spraying??
Asked by Kelly B - 5 answers - Cats - 4 hours ago - Open
How long does it usually last for a male cat too be in heat?
Asked by Kelly B - 9 answers - Cats - 4 weeks ago- Resolved
Is it normal for a male cat too pee almost every 15-20 mins? And he Sprayed once!!?
Asked by Kelly B - 4 answers - Cats - 4 weeks ago- Resolved
Get him to the vet.
The cats don't have anything to do with it. He likely has an infection. Take him to the vet and get him looked at.
Sounds like urinary tract crystals. Seriously, does his penis stay sticking out? This is a symptom. This condition is very painful too so if there's any question of this get him to the vet asap.
Take your cat to a vet as soon as possible.
Sounds like a urinary tract infection (the licking, drinking and peeing often). You have to collect urine by putting a little cup under his tail when he urinates and have it analysed. Careful, because these infections raise PH and can cause stone formation and blockage to males. My cat had a horrible similar story. Get him to the vet and do the analysis, so that he can get antibiotics. Also check the PH (shoulkd be 6-6,5)and feed urine balancing food from a good company. Fixing has nothing to do with it.
Possibly diabetes?
These are symptoms of a urinary tract irritation from an infection or crystals in his urine. The pH balance (most likely too alkaline) is out of whack and it is painful for him to urinate.

It has nothing to do with his sexuality. Drinking a lot of water can also indicate that your cat has a thyroid problem or diabetes.

Your cat needs to go to a vet for a urinalysis to determine what is going on in his bladder. If the other symptoms seem serious the vet will do a blood panel to determine if the thyroid is overactive and he needs medication (lifetime) for that.

Either condition is correctable so you need to do the vet trip to relieve your cat's suffering and if you have ever had human cystitis you know it hurts!
Its either urinary track infection or diabetics see a vet

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