Callie was 18 and would have been 19 in January. I was 18 years old when I got her so I had her half of my life. On Saturday afternoon I saw a huge difference in her and she could hardly walk at that time. (she also kept visiting her liter box, it looked like she was trying to have a bowel movement but nothing would happen) Within a few hours I had made my decision, but now I feel guilty. I think of all the what ifs. She was always a very petite cat, but she probably weighed less than 5 lbs., constantly wanted water and had started to "miss" her liter box at times. I can't stop thinking about her.
You bet its normal , when a person has a cat for so long it is like losing a family member. I have had 2 cats for long seperate periods as well but they were put to sleep due to having leukemia . I currently have a cat since I was 20 (his mom was mine, and her mom was mine) he has tumors and is on meds but is very active and seems healthy..I know how it feels to lose a cat that I love to death. You will have to go through a grieving process same as if you lost a human friend, and it will take a little while for you to feel happy again. I have had the same bloodline of cats since I was 3 and now I am 29.and i have decided that this will be my last cat because I am deeply in love with my cat and could not bear it again. Its very painful to make that choice but you have to know she will not be in any pain anymore and thats at least one thing that should make you feel justified. Unrelatedly my mom had a dog for 14 years and after my parents divorced my dad who loved the dog too and had a bigger yard took the dog..I remember how he had his best friend take the dog to be put to sleep because she was so old and in pain..My dad was a big guy who rarely showed any emotions and this was the first time I ever saw him cry, the only other time was when the day before he died at 59 from cancer a couple of years ago. I think death causes sadness because we are reminded that life is not forever, and we cannot replace the ones we love no matter what, and they are gone. Just remember how many good years you 2 had together and that you made a hard choice out of love for her. It is ok to cry and its ok to grieve for her.if anyone says its not than maybe they are not normal in there psyche.
I think it is normal. Cats do become like a member of the family,, and after having her company for so long it would be strange not to miss her.
Sorry to hear of your loss.
I had to do the same thing with my dog 2 years ago. He was also 18 years old. I had him since I was 5 and he had a stroke and couldnt walk or see. I felt horrible for months but eventually its better that the animal isn't in so much pain anymore. Then maybe if you are ready you can get another cat. Of course it could never take the place of the original but its something to love.
Please accept my condolences on the loss of your beloved pet. did the right thing. The best and worst part of being a responsible pet caretaker take care of them, in good and bad times. You didn't want to see her suffer, so you let her have a calm peaceful death. It's a hard sacrifice but we sometimes have to choose it.
Have some tears about her, it'll help. Don't open up the card that the vet sends you, it'll be the Rainbow Bridge and that'll make you cry all over again.
And don't feel bad if you want to get another kitten right away, you're not "replacing" Callie, you just need another kitty to love.
Your vet wouldn't have put her to sleep if there was anything else that could have been done.
Im not a church goer or a big beleiver in religion but just think of it as your cat is now at Rainbow Bridge, a big field where animals go when they die and wait at the bridge for their owners to cross, when its your turn your cat will be waiting for you there. I have a Rainbow Bridge poem somewhere it's really nice.
She's not in pain anymore and had a long life. Don't feel bad. x
Yes, this is normal. You might find some healing support at the rainbow bridge website:
Many older cats suffer from geriatric diseases which can be managed to extend their lives in comfort. Your cat should have been seen by a vet twice a year and given a full blood-urine test annually. You might want to learn more about this before you own a cat again.
sweetie, she was part of your life and it's natural to feel a loss. if you can afford it, getting another cat would help.
Absolutley its normal to feel empty inside. Death is a very sad thing to go through. Im sorry to hear about your cat!
Its normal to feel like that. Give yourself some time to get over this and it wont be easy but you did the best thing. Your cat was suffering and you made the decision you felt was the best. You cant look back at what you did because that is pointless. You cant change the past and what is done is done. You need to get on with your life and get another cat! They are so wonderful that I have 5 myself! Every cat has a different personality, I think thats why everyone gets so many! Its not wrong to get another one, just dont forget about Callie, always keep her in your heart. You will love again!
u did the rite thing- even though it was very hard to do. Callie had been a loyal friend and comforter for many, many years- it was ur turn to do the rite thing and u did. sorry for ur loss, just try to think of all the good times u had together
I'm so sorry. My cats are a part of the family. This is the way you should feel if you are a good pet parent. The cat was part of your life. But you made the right decision. Sometimes the kindest thing you can do for an animal is to make the suffering go away.
Of course you feel empty. That is ok. Guilt? No. You need not feel guilty. It is up to us to decide these kind of things because our pet is our responsibility. Callie lived a very long life, longer than many cats. Sounds like she was suffering and miserable. You did the right thing.
Take comfort in knowing that animals are Soul too and their life moves on like ours.
The Rainbow Bridge
Just this side of Heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food and water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing: they miss someone very special to them; who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. The bright eyes are intent; the eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to break away from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. YOU have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.
Author Anonymous
Yes, its normal. We had to put my dog to sleep back in april and I was empty for about 2 or 3 months, they are part of the family. You never fully recover from their death, but you have to say to yourself, they are better off in heavan.
sorry for your loss. You had Callie put to sleep out of love, so please dont beat yourself up over it. You did the right thing. It is normal to feel bad and empty because you lost a family member that was a huge part of your life. It is normal to feel the way you do.. take care!
believe me it was the best thing you could have done. if she could have talked she would have asked to be put out of her misery. and yes you will feel empty since you had her for so long. maybe if the time comes you could try getting another cat.
I am sorry this happened to you.same thing happened to me last year. Lost both of my cats within 3 weeks of each other. Precious was 20 years and I had him when I was 18. Simba was 16. I still feel empty, they were family no matter what anyone says. Your cat did the same thing mine did, missed the litter box, kept going with nothing happening, could hardly walk. He weighed maybe 6 pounds when he died. The vet said it would have been cruel if I had not put him down. It killed me to watch this, I stayed with him till the end, simba too. It was horrible, I sobbed and sobbed for the whole day.was depressed for so long. Some ppl don't understand this, they say get over it , was just a cat. But..we know better, more than a cat, was child liked, loved them so much, didn't we..It will get better for you. Please don't go out and get another animal right away as some ppl do. You need time to heal. Good luck to you and take good care.
Sorry to hear about your baby.
I had to put one of my cats down last October. She developed diabetes and was on such a high dosage of insulin that her poor little body couldn't take it. She was a petite cat too, weighing about 6 pounds.
I also had to put my horse of 12 years (he was 23) to sleep in April of 2005. Now that was the WORST thing I ever had to do. I still miss him terribly. It will get easier but there will always be a part of you that will miss the things that they used to do.
You will cry, especially if you get a new pet and they do something that reminds you of the old one.
Hang in there. Your feelings are 100% normal.
Missing a pet is normal. Give yourself time to grieve, get rid of your former cat's things for memory sake and sanitation, and then move on with another one.
yes its normal to feel empty, but please don't feel guilty you gave her a home and lots of love she'll always be in your heart adopt another cat it wont replace her but it save a life of another sorry for your loss
In our family we think of our animals as people and treat them that way .It seems as though you love your just the same and it is normal to morn as if they where your child .Getting another cat would help it will never replace the one you had but it will fill that void.(emptiness).
I put my dog to sleep in Nov of last year and I still sometimes feel empty. I have a new dog a English Bulldog and he has help me to do think of something else beside the emptiness. My little dog has been gone for about a year now and I still miss her so much I sometimes even cry. So understand that you cared so much about your cat that you were not going to let her live the rest of her life suffering. Sometimes doing the right thing hurts us worse then ever. As time moves on the emptiness will be filled with other things but you will never forget.
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