Sunday, August 2, 2009

This is strange: The cat bore kitties and puppies at the same time. What happened?

Its weird but I saw the pic on the newspaper.
Thats impossible. Cats and dogs don't have the same genetic makeup to inbreed. That would be like a human and a cow trying to conceive.It just won't work, no matter how bad crazy people would want it.

Don't believe everything you see. Media do a lot of things to get people to read or even just look. Believe me, I'm one of them!
That's about as ridiculous as me giving birth to chuppies (children puppies)..or Kildren (kitten children)..oh, I could go on forever.

But seriously, it's impossible. Don't believe everything you read. Photoshop is a wonderful tool of our times.
Nonsense! That was a manipulated photo. Easily done. Stay away from the tabloids.
It was probably some sappy article about how some mother cat adopted an abandoned liter of puppies. It's usually something to get the readers to say awww, how cute, I wanna read more about this . . . and buy the paper. Happens all the time here.
was this the national inquirer
Right, Elvis and some aliens also told George Bush to invade Iraqi. Some of those pictures or their captions are simply people in the tabloids, as we say, "pulling your leg". No, there was no iceberg with the sister ship to the Titanic frozen in it. No, a martian did not shake hands with Hillary. No, a cat did not give birth to kittens and puppies. I'm not sure about Bigfoot giving the Pope a speech though.
Whatever newspaper you were reading at the time. STOP READING IT. It's the worst thing you could spend your important time on.
Thats a lot of crap. cats cant have pup and kittens at the same time.besides what cat will stand still long enough for a dog to mate with it. Cats and dogs are natural enemies.
As others said, "IMPOSSIBLE"!

Yup, just a ploy to sell newspapers!
And how old are you?
whats dat you believe ever thing you read only believe what you see being born a momma cat may nurse a pup
It is possible you saw a picture of a mother cat nursing kittens and puppies -- that doesn't mean she gave birth to them.
Why don't you read the article that accompanied the picture?
The only truth in the newspaper article is an idle idiot placed a couple of puppies beside a mother cat and her kittens, took a photo and sent it to an equally idiotic news editor and got the picture published.

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