Sunday, August 2, 2009

There's this cat he loves me more than his owner and everyone else in the world. Is it because I'm special

yes are very special!

as for the cat, they decide who they live with. even if you did take it in, it may well b ugger off in a while and fine someone new again. but you shouldn't be feeding someone Else's cat you know, that's wrong. leave that up to its owner.
Do you feed him??
you must be..its very hard to earn a cats love
cats are highly intuitive - he may sense something in you he likes or relates to. In that case, you would certainly be "special" to him.

BTW, which nitwit is dinging these answers? How lame!
maybe you are nicer than his owner and he wants to move house
It could be because you feed him and give him attention that he aint getting from other people
yeah your special .. You should go to a "special school"
Special as in 'special' school.
it might be cuz u smell like fish?.
Yes.for sure you are special.
What an honor. Cats are very picky about who they will be friendly with. My cat Romeo is the exception. He loves everybody. Big dogs, little dogs, men, women and children. He's afraid of the road. Good thing. The cars on my street go about 50.
lol.i have had this happen to me.he was a cat who looked like a bobcat.he clawed everyone else out but would melt when i came over to see sad when you see them run from their owners and you know you can't have them, ay?
Nope it's cause you feed him. In our house we have 2 cats and they love us more than anyhting or anybody in the world at feeding time. we call this cupboard love lol
You probably just smell like tuna, close the legs or wash
when do you plan on stealing this feline?

woooo.. whitebean came out swingin' hhaaa
yep you must be a special case
so what if it is? Do you need to feel special by a cat's stand??!
or are you worried that you developed some "X Man"/ "cat women" ability?

Get your own cat, if you like, and get on with you life!
You must be nicer and give the cat more attention than its owner. But if you didn't do that, that means you're special.

Or what you're wearing or you have such a "aggregation pheromones" which could attract cats. Try with other cats to make sure.

Other possibility is that you produce such aura that attracts cats. Again try with other cats, whether it really works or not.
I'm sure you're a very special person. However, it's quite likely that the other people feeding the cat also think the cat loves them more than its owner and the owner is probably feeling unloved by the cat because they never get to feed it properly because it's already had enough to eat!

If it were my cat I'd be furious that someone else was feeding it, and effectively enticing it away. By all means be friends with it and pet it, but stop the feeding!
Hi !

Perhaps it want to eat you ?

Have a nice day,

one of my cats we knew was getting fed somewhere else ,we actually looked over our fence one day and he was going house to house eating other cats food and he would eat food we give him.
But my son loved him everynight he would go and whistle for him and bring him in for bedtime.
He was a weird cat as soon as it was daytime he cried to get out and never really came into the house unless it was bedtime he wasn't affectionate as in he wouldn't come over looking stroked etc
My son seen him at a womens house and she said she had been feeding him and bringing him in for an hour at night ,my son was totally gobsmacked to also see his cat being very affectionate with her as he never showed us this side ,he was part of a litter a old cat of ours had so we had him for 5 years ,my son although upset seen the cat was happy and let the woman keep him.
I do feel cats can be like this and as long as the owner is happy with your arrangement continue maybe she will realise the cat should be yours.
Maybe he can smell the skid marks in your pants and is very attracted to you!
maybe you just give him the nicer food.
Cats are said to be wanderers and if their owners do not fulfill their needs they simply move onto another home and make it their own. I have heard of a cat that moved into a neighbours house because his owner got a new dog.
I have two dogs and two cats and they live together just fine so honestly i think one you fulfill her need for food probably and two she feels more comfortable at your place than her own so yes, are special!
He can sense you like him and if you do feed him, he must like the food that you are feeding him over what the owner feeds him! I used to feed cats in the neighborhood too and they would always greet me with a purr! Too bad some of these people had to leave mean or nasty comments to you!
that's good that you found a friend. he probably sences you are a good person and you feed him and give him attention. cats love that.
It's your voice and the aura you exude! They sense this. I know the feeling.

I'm afraid of dogs, really. But, many years ago, I made friends with a huge red Dobbie (almost the size of a Great Dane) and his name was Thunder because you could hear him bark several blocks away. Well, imagine this. I was making a telephone call on a pay 'phone when a lady asked if she could touch him and I said, "Please, don't. The owner doesn't like people touching him." and she tried to pet him, and he dragged me about 30 feet on the side walk trying to get to that lady. He became so overly protective of ME that no one could come near me when I was walking him. However, several days later, his owner got held up while he was walking Thunder and all Thunder did was watch and pant! True story. The owner gave the dog back to the home owner who had given him Thunder.

I make friends with feral cats and those that don't like strangers, too. I don't know why, it just happens. People find it so strange.
cats just pick a person they like, 2 of mine decided 2 leave their owners and move in with me. if a cat likes u its a compliment.
You must be feeding him better food than the owner!
cats pick you , they bond to someone at times other than their owner, this cat picked you

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