i have no idea what this is and it has never happened before with my other cat, butsometimes my cat will start getting crazy, run around the house %26lt;-- thats al the time, but sometines a thick, whilte, saliva substance comes out of his mouth. its like non-stop. its weird! i come to wipe it off and he's all defensive and such. what is it? and what can i do to prevent it? he's an indoor cat and eats indoor specific food, i dont buy the commerciales, but hey.it wont hurt.right?? HELP!
Hi there.I hope the following excerpt from Cat Health.com can help shed some light as to what is causing your cat to drool with the description you've given:
The Drooling Cat
If you’ve ever seen a cat foam at the mouth after riding to the vet’s office or getting a dose of medicine, you know that a little drool goes a very long way!
Some cats salivate profusely when scared. Others actually suffer from motion sickness (hence the drool-soaked cat carrier).
Some cats smack their lips and foam at the mouth if they feel nauseated or are about to vomit a hairball. On the other hand, the occasional cat drools with pleasure while being petted.
All of these causes of drooling are usually benign and short- lived. But if your cat is drooling or foaming at the mouth for no obvious reason, if drooling persists for more than a half hour, or if there are other symptoms - it’s time to call the vet.
Abnormal drooling happens for two major reasons: problems occurring inside the mouth, and those occurring elsewhere in the body. Pain or nausea stimulates drooling. Oral problems or neurologic conditions can interfere with swallowing, causing saliva to overflow.
Examples of problems in the mouth are:
»Dental disease (broken, decayed, or abscessed teeth)
»Gum disease (periodontal disease, stomatitis)
»Oral foreign body (fish hook, fish bone, string wrapped around tongue, stick)
»Oral mass (eosinophilic granuloma, tumor)
»Oral ulcer or laceration
»Salivary gland cyst
»Bee stings
Other signs of oral disease that may accompany drooling are foul breath, blood-tinged saliva, difficulty eating, or refusal to eat the usual foods. The cat may look uncomfortable and paw the mouth. Sometimes drooling is the first and only sign of a problem.
Problems elsewhere in the body that can cause drooling include:
Disorders of the esophagus, stomach, or intestines--blockage, nausea
Portosystemic shunt (a rare liver disorder)
Advanced kidney disease
Exposure to toxins or caustic chemicals
Exposure to toxins is an important consideration in a drooling cat. Some household cleaning products – ingested directly or licked off the fur – as well as some houseplants may burn the lining of the mouth and cause drooling. Certain flea dips and insecticides are very toxic to cats and may cause drooling. These may cause additional symptoms such as vomiting, muscle tremors, weakness, and lethargy. If your cat has these symptoms or you suspect a chemical exposure, seek veterinary care immediately. Bring labels or product information with you if possible.
Dental disease is another “biggy”—more than 80% of adult cats will develop periodontal, tooth and other oral cavity diseases that cause pain, leading to drooling.
The first thing some people think of when they see their cat foaming at the mouth is rabies. Happily, this is extremely unlikely unless a cat is unvaccinated. For drooling, foaming, or any worrisome symptom, it is always best to consult your veterinarian.
rabies, usually looks like that, or they are salivating so hard cause they are playing so hard that they need a drink..try to encourage lots of water
u need to take her to a veterenian. i think theres some allergic problems.
I know that happens when they eat frogs and some insects is this possible?
This is not normal and could indicate a serious medical problem or infection. It could be a dental problem such as infected gums or a bad tooth. You should take your cat to the vet. It does not sound like something you can treat yourself, and I would definitely seek professional care for him. Don't wait. Like babies and young children, animals are not able to tell us what's wrong; we have to find out. So please, find out! As pet owners, we have a responsibility to take care of our precious charges.
I don't think it's rabies like the other people said. Some cats just are nuts. I had a cat and every time I had to give her a pill, she would sling spit everywhere. White frothy stuff. Yuk. Once she got the nasty taste out of her mouth, she was fine again. Perhaps your cat is eating something that it doesn't like ??
quit jacking off in your cats mouth, then he wont be so crazy around you.poor cat.
woh ,you need to get your cats to the vet (emergency vet /animal hospital) fast ..it might have raybeas (sorry cant spell) .that is dangerous also for you . for raybeas is a killing desease there is no cure for raybeas but the vets may be able to do somthing for it if your cat has it . also it could have epalepsi (againe cant spell) and it could be having a fit (you also need to take it to the vets /animal hospital for this too) ..this is dangerous to the cat (it could die) . anothering this you might considor (depending on how much foamy white saliva substense and how crazy it goes ..it could have worms or some other funny bug that could be killing slowly or making your cat very sick .againe got to the vet as soon as possible . also like one of the posters up there she/he could be eating somthing nasty that she doesnt like !! try getting a check up and if she/he is then they will give her the right medication for her/his problem
i really hope your cat is ok ,its sad to hear that any cat may be sick/or is sick :(
This could happen if they eat something they wasn't suppose to and it might also be serious take the cat to the vet and get it checked out, not to scare u, but i also had the same problem, and soon to find out that the cat died from rabies, and if this is what's happening to your cat them it has to be humanly euthanized.
Sorry for the bad news if that's what is happening,
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my cat has the same problem. Only she has watery eyes,runny nose,and breathing issues. I dont really know what to think,this started yesterday and dont really have any money to take her to the vet,i dont know what to do!!!Someone have any ideas as to what it could be???HELP MY KITTY PLEASE