Thursday, May 7, 2009

Smelly cat litter box caused by milk?

I got my kitten when it was about 5 weeks old. I was giving it cows milk along with its food for a couple of weeks and the litter box smelled terrible. When I stopped giving the kitten milk the odor stopped. Is this coincidence? I have seen questions about smelly litter boxes and feel like asking if the cat has been drinking milk but I don't know if this would be a cause. I have seen mention of diarrhea from cows milk but that was not a problem just the smell.
Milk really isn't the best thing to give cats. It has been known to be smelly in the litter box!
Gad no.litter smells BAD even when they aren't on milk!
eat more chicken!!
they say not to give cats milk, but i always did. what type of litter are u buying.. something that may help.. put a liner in the bottom and make sure u have a cover for the box as well.. also sprinkle baking soda in the bottom before pouring the cat litter.. this helps too. spray around the box with lysol..
I've actually heard that giving any animal cow's milk gives them worms, including cats. The milk might have made it smell worse, but usually unclean litter smells like you would expect it to, a healthy cat's litter shouldn't smell worse than what it should smell like. Use regular baking soda or specially made baking soda for litter boxes and put it on the bottom of the pan. It should help each time your cat scratches at it.
Cows milk is very bad for cats. Cows milk can give cats diarrhea. The older the cat the worse the diarrhea. You should be using a special orphan formula that you can get at pet stores. This formula is specially designed to provide the nutrition needed for an infant animal.
Cats love milk but it is very bad for them causing all kinds of digestive problems. Your vet should cary a milk substitute you can give your kitten. A good quality food will help cut down on the smell as the cat grows. My cats beg for milk and wait like vultures till I finish my cereal but I only give them a tablespoon or two and not very often.
it's called cat s#!t and it stinks. Let your cat crap outside.
You shouldn't really give milk to your kitty it's not good for the digestion
Most likely it was just a scared kitty from it's new surroundings or the combo of the milk and food had a bad smell. If you stopped with the milk and it stopped smelling then just be glad, I have given my guys milk before and they are fine and no bad effects from it.
Cats are generally not good with milk, this is a myth that cat's need milk, Cats urine does stink try covering the cat litter with bicarbonate soda to eliminate the pong.
Cats should never be given cows milk. Their digestive system can not handle the lactose in dairy products. It would seem that since the smell stopped as soon as you stopped giving the kitten milk that the two are connected. Have the kitten checked by a vet so he/she can be de-wormed (all kittens are usually born with one type of worms or another) and to have an overall health exam just to make sure. I had two cats and the males litter box was always a lot more smelly than the females (just like humans) even though they had the same diet.
milk gives cats diarrhea
I have never given a kitten cow's milk so I can't tell you about that. I do know that cheap grocery store food loaded with corn will result in voluminous poops and smelly ones too as corn is not a readily disgestible food for a cat.
its obviously the milk maybe you could just give the cat milk as a treat instead of all the time and not all cats are lactose sometin my cat wasnt and she never got sick from milk
cats really should not be given cows milk as most cats are lactose intolerant and have trouble digesting maybe the smell was from the milk.

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