Thursday, May 7, 2009

so fo my previous ? it's more likely too be an infection or in heat?

Hi there again Kelly.female cats go into heat, male cats spray. Although, female cats can spray too when they are in heat, but since you're speaking about a male cat and if he isn't neutered then it most likely he is spraying.

However, if he IS fixed/neutered then he may have a urinary tract infection/bladder infection (UTI), which then only a vet can diagnose and treat. It's very important to get him to see the doctor to treat the infection. Left untreated long enough it will move up into the kidneys and cause kidney failure which is fatal. Additionally, if not treated quickly this peeing will be more difficult to control after he is treated because it becomes a bad habit.

You will need to clean the sprayed/peed areas with an enzymatic neutralizer such as Nature's Miracle (found at any pet store worldwide). It's important to do this as cats can smell their own urine odours and will pee/spray over it more. Even though you may not be able to smell it a cats sense of smell is very acute and can find these areas.
You really are not very informative with your question. It leaves us to guess what in the heck you are talking about. Cat's only pee no more that twice a day, frequent trips to the litter box is a sign of infection. If a cat went into heat, they usually get an infection afterwards, So it is best to have them fixed to prevent this. She could have had one at the time of surgery, mine did and I was mad they didn't tell me! I found urine in places, that is how I found out! male cats can get it too, also, kidney problems, bladder as well. take it to the vet to find out what is really going on. Next time, please give us detail of what is really going on, because what you write is just leaving us to guess work. We are not mind readers. No offense. God Bless you and your kitty.

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