Thursday, May 7, 2009

So, what exactly does catnip do to cats and why?

I read somewhere once that a bunch of students (shock) researched cat nip, and once consumed in a concentrate they discovered it had a mild LSD affect - they assume it has the same affect in cats. My own cat rubs his face in the plant, then has a 100mph benny round the lounge fighting imaginary beasties before staring at the wall for a couple of hours..
Catnip to cats is similar to marijuana to humans. They get a high from it and do weird things. Some cats get real mellow from it, others get crazy it just depends on the cat.
Well catnip is pretty much like any addictive drug to cats they cant get enogh but it wont kill them though so thats good
It is like a drug to them. They love it but it will not hurt them
it has pheremones similar to those used in mating cats,also has calming it excites,but also releases feelings of contentment.these odors are not detectable to humans,and eating/drinking catnip will not make humans react.catnip,also called catmint in some places,is used as a tea to treat stomache ulcers in humans.
catnip makes them very hipper.i makes them hipper because its like drugs for animals..:)
It makes them VERY happy and a little high! It doesn't hurt them but they do act a bit silly when they are around it. One of mine gets a bit aggressive when she has it. The sensation doesn't last long for them, though. Try it for yours!
The smell does something to's like crack for cats. My cats give a funnier response to green spanish olives and anything w/menthol (ie chewing gum, Icy/Hot, etc) in it (go figure) than they do with catnip.

It's a natural herb and is harmless to them it just excites them or makes them relax depending on the kitty.
Wikipedia has the following on catnip and cats:

Catnip and catmints are mainly known for, and named after, the effects they have on cats, particularly domestic cats. Approximately two thirds of cats are susceptible to the effects of catnip, as the phenomenon is hereditary.

Catnip contains nepetalactone, a terpene, that is thought to mimic feline sex pheromones. Cats detect it through their vomeronasal organs. When cats sense the bruised leaves or stems of catnip, they will rub in it, roll over it, paw at it, chew it, lick it, leap about and purr, often salivating copiously. Some cats will also growl and meow. This reaction only lasts for a few minutes before the cat loses interest.[2] It takes up to two hours for the cat to "reset" and then it can come back to the catnip and have the same response as before. Young kittens and older cats are less likely to have a reaction to catnip but big cats, such as tigers, seem to be extremely sensitive to it. Cat toys can contain catnip and some cats love to play with them while others are not interested. Cat owners do not need to worry about allowing their cats access to catnip because there are, for the most part, no negative side effects to doing so. However, some cats become overly excited when exposed to catnip, so aging or obese cats with heart troubles should be kept away from it. A diabetic cat can also experience complications from catnip.[citation needed]

Other plants that also have this effect on cats include valerian (Valeriana officinalis) and plants that contain actinidine or dihydroactinidiolide (Smith, 2005).

At least three species attract cats: Nepeta cataria, N. grandiflora and N. 脳 faassenii, but most other species have not been tested. Of these, both true catnip and Faassen's catnip have a sharp, biting taste, while the taste of giant catmint is bland.
catnip is marijuana for cats.its not bad for them,just gives them energy,some cats it may cause hallucinations.catnip is also good for stomach aches and other things.

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