Monday, May 24, 2010

we have just bought 2 little kittens.?

one is 6 weeks old and one is 8 weeks old, one is a white persian cross siamese the other is a tabby. they are both so adorable and because they were together in the pen for a while before we bought them they have settled in together really well. we placed them in the bathroom with there milk and some dry cat biscuits and a little cat cave we bought for them. then we shut the door and let them alone for a little while. we heard a couple of noises so i went in and checked on them and the cat cave was moved from where i had put it and there was little wet paw prints from the milk bowl to the middle of the floor where Pippi (tabby cat) was sitting. they weren't vacinated before we got them they were wormed. so instead of gettin them for 120 each we got them for 60 each. when we tried to choose which CAT we wanted we couldn't decided between the two we liked. so we got them both. Snowy (persian) is white and has little peachy marks on his ears and tail and Pippi (tabby cat) is all sorts.
The usual ooohs and ahhhhs for your new kittens. :-) Enjoy them!

Now the practical - where ever you got them should have given them vaccinations before they left!! So that's your first priority - good vet check %26 shots.

The Cat Fanciers Home Page - Interesting information and lots of links.

CyberPet - Cat and dog sites.

Cat Fanciers' Association

Cat Fancy - Brings feline expertise to the Web, with news, features, a cat care library, breeder directory, web gallery and a kids section.
ok, thanks for sharing that peice of information with us all!!
Congrats on the brats - - - and I use that term affectionately, they sound wonderful and truly happy that you have given both of them a wonderful home, the powers that be will surely bless you.

They sound cute. Congrats. I love kittens
Go to to learn more about cat behavior and care
cngrats on the new kittens. now quit giving them milk! It will cause diarrhea.
They are going to be rambunctious, expect to see that cat cave shift positions alot. and the food/water bowls to be bumped or tipped over frequently.
Do get them vaccinated and checked by the vet soon.
I love my cats also. I got them as kittens and so worth it to have 2 so they keep each other company when you are gone and to play with each other. I am not sure why you left them in the bathroom with a closed door. My cats do not like closed doors, they will sit next to the door and sometimes meow until you open it.
awwwwww .. I'm such a Sucker for Kittys !! A All white persian .. what color eyes ?? .. my mom has one with the Deepest Blue Eyes you have ever seen !

an paw prints toooo cute ! You should let them explor the House it's theres now too !!
where in the blue blazes is your question, pusssy lover?
You will enjoy them as kittens for a while yet. and it is good that you got the pair. That way, they can play together. But I sure hope you are not planning on keeping them in the bathroom for long. At least, I hope you've put them in there only until you are confident that they are litter-trained. Be sure to get them lots of kitty toys and if I could make a suggestion? Don't feed them exclusivelu on dry biscuits. could cause urinary track disease later on in life. Make sure they have lots of fresh water too.

Good luck and congrats to the new additions to your family
That's great you took the two of them. They will have such a happy "childhood" together and you will be spared a lot of the kitten hassles people have when they try to be a kitten's sole playmate (biting and scratching).

My first two kittens were also not littermates and very different in appearance, one Siamese and one tabby.

I hope the milk does not give them any diarrhea. We usually stay away from cow's milk in the States as it can cause problems for kittens. I also believe that canned meat is a better diet for kittens than kibble and of course only the high quality stuff, not grocery store pet food.

Congratulations on these wonderful additions to your family.
Congrats, they sound so sweet!! All the best for you xx
Dont give your cats milk, it upsets their tummy and you could end up having to clean up a lot of runny poo.
It sounds like your kitty's have a loving home lucky cats! I found with my kittens over the years if you have a kitty litter tray (not near the food bowl in another corner) they will be well house trained for eva. Also a cat pole for scratching is also a good idea saves your furniture. I have heard people should have only 1 cat because one is always dominate and pushes the other around and then that one doesn't get to shine, but I am sure two's company.. Goodluck with them. Moon

We have a tom cat (kitten) and he is a bit stinky (like a grubby little kid) any ideas?

Not a Pooey smell, just a bit whiffy
He will smell sweeter after castration - which unless you plan on him breeding is the most resonsible thing to do anyway!! He can be neutered from 6 months old - until then, give him a bath, use very gentle shampoo and a couple of drops of tee tree oil in a final rinse ( keeps fleas away) and he should be a much sweeter kitty!
its probably some sort of infection which can be serious. i recommend seeing a vet.. it can be bad news
They lose the smell once they have neutered
change his anti perspirant
Wash him with Johnson's baby shampoo. That always makes kittens smell good.
Give him a bath
just give him a bath and dry him off. on kittens you can use the designated types of shampoo's for them and it will help.
get him neutered as soon as possible. That will help with the smell a little. Neutered cats don't spray or anything.
Get rid of it.
who likes smelly cats??
Umm. A bath might be helpful. But good luck with that
give it a bath kittens can be trained to take baths like children i know cause i did it
It's because he is still intact, and you best get him neutered before he discovers the joy of spraying.
washing machine
could a few things , most likely needs to be fixed. they have scent glands that secret a odor related to making territory. should check with vet to be sure and to be fixed.
Its because hes an intact male. All male animals smell a bit worse than their female counterparts because they can spread their scents to mark their territory. A neutered cat will not have the scent production, so he should smell better.
Probably best to go to the can get him 'done' at the same time
Tom cats usually mark their territory with sprays - that's the whiff you can smell. The snip will remove this need and sort out the smell.
take one bottle of .50 hydrogen peroxide , 1/2 gallon of water i table spoon of any dish or laundry soap. get tom nice and wet. let him dry brush; him off then rinse and dry and he sound be fine. if not outside lol make sure its not mange too. if that doesnt work go to the vet to get checked out
Give him a bath at least once per week, and use a highly scented shampoo. You can use people shampoo on cats, too, I asked a vet. Just make sure not to get any in it's eyes!
If you are ever going to bathe him now is the time before he gets too shirty about it.

A healthy kitten or cat has no "smell" so his diet may be bad and neutering is important because no human can live with the smell of that urine!
get it doctored or use bouce n rub it over cat when damp
thats a bit strange cos cats are such clean animals. I'd take him to the vet just to get him checked over
Get another kitten and they will groom each other, also if very young the smell will pass as he gets older
Try bathing him, if the smell returns then he may have an infection, if this is the case then you must see a vet.
Its a lot of nonsense they lose the smell when they are neutered, my cat didnt smell as a kitten.
Just rub him down with a damp wash cloth he should smell sweeter then, when he's old enough take him to the vets and have him done,
Bless the wee minger, he is only a kitten, you can get some mild shampoo that will help to keep him in better condition, if you have not long had him then this could just be the smell he has come with and will go within time, or again if you have not long had him he could have picked something up from either his ma or a pet shop depending on where you got him from.
Make sure his skin is ok and he doesn't have fleas or ticks etc, to be on the safe side you could always take him to the vet just to get him checked out, but I think with a wee bit of TLC and some dee fleeing and some cleaning and brushing then kitty should be ok.
You should also check to see there is no cuts on him as when my little minx got a scratch the other week where the hair went into it with the blood and I didn;t realise it stunk, but after cleaning it up etc she smelt more like her normal self
Toms tend to smell but once he is castrated he will lose that smell
drown it its cheaper

we have a siamese cat 6 years old -- is he too old for us to get him a companion siamese kitten?

Nope, not too old at all. When the kitten comes into the home, be sure you don't accidentally ignore the Sr cat in the attention and treats department, in fact make sure he gets some extra attention so he won't feel like he's being replaced in your affections. I'd seriously advise against just setting the kitten on the floor the second you get home. Sr cat may consider it an intruder. Safer to let him discover the kitten from behind a door or in one of ya'lls arms. Some cats have no problem with newcomers, others tend to be territorial and need some time to adjust to the idea of another feline in the house.
You may want to have the person who he is least attached to be the one who actually carries the new one in the door.
Some folks allow a 'get to know' period by having the new one stay in a seperate room a few days so they can sniff each other's scent with a door between them. They will need to be watched the first few days of face to face contact to make sure nothing worse than hissing and an odd non clawed swat is traded. Kittens seem to be easier than adults to integrate.
If you are going through a reputable breeder, get their input on how they bring in newcomers to the household.
no way.never too old.everybody needs a friend.
Siamese cats are a funny breed. some Siamese cats do not get along well with others. they are very territorial. you might want to do some research on this, or contact a breeder. what ever you decide to do you might want to think hard on this, i wouldn't want any unhappy animals.
No - you should be OK getting him a companion kitten, but he will take time to get used to the kitten. You should probably aim to get a little girl.

Initially, keep them separated so that both animals are aware of each other, but not in direct contact. Introduce them to each other slowly. Expect a certain amount of hissing and growling in the early stages but gradually your adult cat will get used to the kitten and they'll become friends.

It would be very unusual for the adult cat to attack the kitten, cats (like most animals) will recognise the other is a baby and will act accordingly.

I had a 12 year old Siamese when I got two kittens and he was great with them.
No older cats might like to have a kitten to mother.
No not at all to late i bet your cat will have so much fun with the kitten nice one
Siamese, as very short haired animals, truly appreciate getting a companion to share body warmth. Your cat will probably be thrilled. Just keep an eye in case of jealousy the first days but if he starts licking the baby from the start you probably are going to be fine. They will then start napping together. As someone suggested previously it is important that the Senior cat gets the respect of his tenure!
He would love it if provided with a companion. Just make sure he gets the majority of the attention when you bring a kitten home so he doesn't get jealous and keep an eye on them until they settle together.
it would be a much better idea to get a older cat as a companion, kittens are wild and it would be unfair to bring one into the home with an older cat.

I am a cat breeder (bengals) if you need anymore infor mation please email me.

ps - the siamese rescue always have adults looking for homes
i have 3 cats aged from 8 to 11 yrs old, we got a siamese kitten which is 1yr old next week, i was worried how they would get on but the siamese seems to have give them a second kittenhood! they used to sleep all time but now they chase each other and play with toys, ur siamese would prob love a friend to play with and siamese usually crave companionship so it would have company when ur not there 2.

We have a self cleaning litter box and we empty the receptacle frequently, but there still seems to be an odor

in our home. Any ideas for how to eliminate this odor?
Before you put fresh litter in spray the litter box w/ nature's Miracle it is designed to get rid of those "oders".
Wash it out with bleach or vinnegar at least once a week. Rinse well! Urine soaks into plastic.
put baking soda in the litter
Could be the litter you use. My wife has two cats and uses fresh step. Seems to work really well. Also a scented candle in the room where the box is would help. Yes baking soda also.
clean the litter box it's self and add more baking soda to the litter as it is not aborbing all the smell. also put a box of baking soda near the box open and it will help absorb the orders
cats urine contains trace amounts of amonia and can continue to smell even after being whiped clean. if the cat has urinated or deficated in a place somewhere around the litterbox then it sees that as part of the litterbox as well and will continue to deficate or urinate in that spot untill you have gotten rid of all traces of the scent, and remember just because you cant smell it doesnt mean your cant cant
get rid of the cat. sorry had a cat that would spray the house and it stunk to high heaven. couldn't take it anymore so I had to get rid of my cat.

Maybe cat is not going in litterbox all the time and is spraying around the house like the furniture and walls and such.

use, baking soda carpet freshner for pet odors, and no vaccum spray for your carpets that you spray just before company arrives, and baking soda in the litter pan.

hope it helps.
i really dont know if this will help you or not but my mom and grandmother always cleaned theirs with apple cider vineger, and dried it real good and then would sprinkle baking soda in before they put the liter in there and i swear you never smelled any cats in our home i really hope that this helps you
I have one as well paid $250. and I find that I have too go check it twice a day and I use baking soda in the premium litter I use.the secret is cleaning it often..I raise Desert Lynx and had 12 cats here up until two weeks ago when kittens were ready too be placed. All my company say, I don't smell cats in here, its because I frequently during the day make sure they are clean.that is the only way too elimmenate odors.I am so proud of the compliment..I don't smell cats in here at all..!!
Try a different type of litter. Watch commercials for the best and cheapest ones! We have a kind sold at meijer that is blue crystals and white crystals. Its amazing.
Are you sure there making it in the box lol. but all the suggestions above me are realy good ideas.
Ask a local pet store if there is a solution to making the odor go away from the litter box. If not try looking for a different litter to use that is better.
Use a premium cat food. Then the cat's digestive system won't be working overtime trying to digest corn and other junk. There will be less poop and it won't stink nearly as much. If you feed canned food, maybe you should cut back the amount. Canned food tends to make for stinkier poop.
use baking soda in the litter, just sprinkle some on top, it helps take the smell away like in your fridge. also you can use fabreze or some other similar thing like oust.
You should empty, wash, and rinse your litter box at least once every couple weeks. Baking soda in the kitty litter would help too, or you may just want to swich brands. A can of air freshener nearby never hurts either =)

We have a female spayed cat and now she is urinating on our bed what can we do?

approx. 3yrs old healthy active no litter box problems food and water is great same food we have always used .confused
this answer is not my answer but the best anser as there are many reasons why your cat has started doing this,

Inappropriate elimination (urinating or defecating outside of the litter box, and/or spraying) is the most common behavior problem of older cats. There are numerous causes for this behavior, many of them medical, so a cat who has inappropriate elimination should be examined by a veterinarian. Laboratory tests will need to be performed in most cases.
Contributing factors to inappropriate elimination

Medical conditions: Medical conditions which result in an increased frequency of urination or defecation may be the underlying cause for this behavior problem. These conditions include: colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, kidney or liver disease, and feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD). Medical conditions which cause pain urinating or defecating, or make it difficult for the cat to get in and out of the litter box, may also result in inappropriate elimination. Such conditions include arthritis, FLUTD, anal sac disease, loss of vision, and some forms of colitis. Treatment of these medical conditions may help to resolve this behavioral problem. In addition, using litter boxes with lower sides, placing the litter box in the area in which the cat spends the most time, and increasing the number of litter boxes may be helpful.

Stress: Stress can be a major cause of inappropriate elimination in cats of all ages. Stressors such as moving, changes in routine, or changes in the makeup of the family can result in inappropriate elimination. Reducing these stressors or decreasing their impact on the household will benefit your cat (and probably you, too!). For instance, when moving, attempt to keep the cat in a quiet portion of the home when packing and during the actual moving day. At the new residence, confine your cat to a quiet room at first (probably a bedroom), placing her food, water, litter box and favorite sleeping material (bed, sweatshirt, etc.) in the room. Spend time with her in that room and feed her and clean the litter box at the usual time. Gradually let her become accustomed to the rest of the house.

There is a product called 'Feliway' which was designed to help reduce anxiety in cats, and thus decrease spraying or urinating inappropriately. Feliway contains pheromones from the cat's face. Pheromones are chemicals which are used to communicate with other members of the same species. You may notice your cat rubs her face and chin on vertical surfaces. She is leaving a scent there which contains these pheromones. The pheromones from the face have a calming effect on other cats. When Feliway is sprayed onto multiple vertical surfaces which your cat may spray, the cat receives this calming effect and in many cases, spraying will be reduced.

Substrate preference: Cats of all ages may develop an aversion to the litter box or substrate (material inside of the litter box). Some of the litters with a 'perfume' or 'antiseptic' smell may dissuade some cats from using them. Trying different types of litter including clumping litter, sand, newspaper, and no litter are things that could be helpful.

Box location: Some cats may not like where a box is located. It may be located too close to their food or water. It may be in a high traffic area where they cannot have privacy. It may be in an area where they can be easily ambushed by another cat. It may be on a different level of the house than where they spend most of their time. In addition to trying various substrates, also place extra boxes around the house to see if box location makes a difference. There should always be at least one more litter box than the number of cats in the household.

Sanitary conditions: Some cats are very particular. Some will not defecate in the same box in which they urinate. Others will not go in a box which has been used by another cat. Just as we do not like to use dirty bathrooms, neither do many cats. If the litter box is not cleaned regularly, they may decide to find a different bathroom.

Possible Solutions to Inappropriate Elimination

Have your cat checked by your veterinarian for a possible medical condition, and start treatment for the condition if one exists. If the cat is extremely stressed, talk to your veterinarian about some medications which may help.

If you have multiple cats and do not know which one is the culprit, your veterinarian can give you some fluorescent dye to feed one of the cats. The urine from that cat will fluoresce when exposed to a black light.

Place numerous litter boxes around the house. You do not have to use anything fancy: dishpans, large plastic containers or other items may work just as well. Try a larger litter box, some behaviorists feel litter boxes are often too small.

Use different substrates including newspaper, clumpable and nonclumpable litter, sand, sawdust (not cedar), carpet remnants, and no litter at all. Use unscented litter, since many cats do not like the scented kind. If you find the substrate that your cat prefers is not the one you do, e.g., carpet remnants, try slowly converting the cat back to litter. Place a small amount of litter on the carpet remnants the first week, and if all goes well, use more litter each week until you can finally remove the carpet remnants from the box.

Try different depths of litter. Many people put too much litter in the box. Some cats like only a small amount.

Clean any soiled areas with an enzyme cleaner designed for use on pet urine and stool. Regular detergents and other cleaners will not break down the urine or feces, and if the cat smells any urine or feces on a carpet or floor, the cat may continue to use that spot to eliminate. In some cases, the carpet or carpet padding may need to be replaced.

Clean the litter boxes at least once daily. Wash the litter box weekly. Do not clean the box with a strong smelling disinfectant, but rinse the box well after washing it.

Feed the cat where she is inappropriately eliminating. Many cats will not urinate or defecate in the area in which they are fed.

Use upside down carpet runners (the ones with the spikes on the bottom), heavy plastic, aluminum foil, double-sided tape, motion detectors, pet repellents, or scat mats to limit her access to the area where she inappropriately eliminates.

Try Feliway, as described above. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Take your cat to the litter box frequently, and if she uses it, praise her, or even give her a treat.

If you catch your cat in the act of urinating or defecating outside of the box (or even using the digging motion), use a remote correction. This generally means doing something that will startle her. Tossing a pop can with a few coins inside of it and taped shut toward the cat (but not at her!) may get her to stop. Foghorns, whistles, and water pistols are other options. It is best if she does not associate you with the correction, but thinks it 'comes out of the blue.'

Do NOT punish the cat. Punishing the cat, including rubbing her nose in the soiled area will not help, and will probably increase the stress on the cat.

In some situations, it may be helpful to confine the cat to a small room with food, water, toys, bed, and litter box. Once she is using the litter box in the smaller area, gradually allow her into larger areas of the house.
Stop pissing her off, use Feelaway
don't get mad,but that cat wouldn't see the sun come up in the morning if it was mine.
Although this could simply be a behavioral issue, unless the cat is older or the litter box is not clean enough for her, it may be more than meets the eye. Often cats, male and female alike, will urinate in previously untouched territory because of a urinary tract infection. This is very common in the felines and is easilt treated. Be sure prepared to tell your vet if there is blood in the urine, how large the spots are, how often they occur, and if could be happening anywhere else in the house. Although easily treated, urinary tract infections can quickly become a major problem.
Put her outside where cats belong.
She may have a urinary tract infection,sometimes this happens following surgery. I would either take your cat or some urine into the vet and have it checked
you amy have had her spayed too early and that causes bladder control issues as they need to take her to the vet.
she could have a bladder or urinary tract infection, you need to take her to the vet to see what is going on with her. If it is not medical, then it could be a behavioral problem due to some change in your household. Any new pets, or a move, or anything else that could have upset her?

we have a dog and cat.picked up a stray cat she is being very aggressive to our pets.they are fine with her.?

I've seen this happen many times before. If the stray kitty had to fend for themselves in the great outdoors they are going to be more aggressive. My grandmother brought in the sweetest kitten who was living under her house. This poor kitten was so skinny and everytime my grandmother left food out the other animals would take it away from them. So my grandmother brought it in and it chased the other cat around and wouldn't let it near the food or litter. Sadly, this kitty always had to fight for everything and for her to survive she had to learn to be aggressive. She got a little better, but the two cats never really got along.

It's not always this way though. We brought it a stray kitty who was a little aggressive when it first came in the house, but as it started to feel comfortable and knew it didn't have to fight for it's food, he started relaxing up and became fast friends with the other cat in the house.

Right now I would find a safe place for your stray cat, a room where the other cat and dog don't go in. This way they can start to feel comfortable in the house first. Slowly either let the stray cat out to venture and meet one animal at a time, but then let them back in the room. After a little while, have a bowl of food in the stray cats room, but also have another bowl of food outside the room. The stray kitty, once they understand there is always food in their room, seeing the other food, they may not be so aggressive about it if the other kitty or dog eats the food. Make sure all encounters are good encounters, maybe with them playing with a toy close by, or something else like that. Good luck. I hope this helps. Thank you for taking in a stray cat and saving her life.
the new kitty is probably just trying to establish her place in the line with the other animals. once she gets comfortable and finds her place in the "pecking order", so to speak, she should calm down. she just hasn't adjusted yet. give it time. :)
you cannot simply "pick up a stray cat" its owner may be looking for it and if you dont report finding it you could be charged with theft - so please call your local SPCA or animal shelter/pound and report finding it.. then if nobody claims it you should take it to a vet BEFORE letting it get too close to your pets. eventually she will settle down but right now is stressed
Get rid of it.. It is a cat. Cat's suck.. they dont care about you, or anyone. They only care about themeselves.
You need to be careful even if this cat looks healthy is could be harboring diseases such as feline leukemia rabies and other thing,
You should never let any stray animal come into contact with your pets until that animal has been tested for contagious diseases such as, for cats, feline leukemia and feline AIDS. Set up a spare room or bathroom for the cat until you have gotten her tested and she's cleared. If she has one of those diseases, it's best to put her down unless you can find her a home with cats who have already tested positive. If she's clean, then you should introduce her slowly to your other animals. Let her out of the room to roam the house for a while and put them in her room so that they can get used to each others smells. Then let them spend limited, supervised time together. If she attacks your pets, she may be one of those cats that can be an only child. I do know of cats who will do that. They are fine when they are alone, but they do NOT like sharing their territory with other animals.
not a good idea just to pick up a stray animal %26 bring it home to yours. You no nothing about it (shot records/worming). She will be aggressive until they all get to no each other. :-(
she is just scared keep her seperated from the other animals and gradually get them used to each other let them spend say 1 hour together everyday as long as there is no fighting now she will hiss which is fine she is just warning the other animals not to push her, and it will take time to get her adjusted to new surroundings. As soon as you can at least get her wormed and her shots or you can be bringing in deadly diseases to your other cats.
Give her time you dont know why she is a stray she could have been thrown out and right now she is having a hard time trusting other people or animals.she is retaliating first so to speak.been there and done that..and the kitty in our little tale settled eventually.patience is all I can suggest
Maybe her aggression was the reason she became a stray.
A normal animal entering a new territory will submit to the authority of the resident animals.
Its all about being the boss. Your new kitty is used to having her own territory, all she is trying to do is establish where she stands within the ranks of this new place

this cat is working on his/her place in your home, try spending time with this cat, alone with it, no other pets, then let both cats spend some time together alone, let them get used to each other and bond, then do the same with cat and dog. adjustment period will be over soon

We have a cat we want to get rid of, what is the best way?

take it to a no kill shelter
Buy it some boots and send it to London to earn its fortune
Put up signs, or take it to a shelter
put an add in the paper for a free cat and wait for someone to call
take it to a cat sanctuary.. or animal shelter of some kind.. they can then rehome it.

why are you getting rid of it?
phone rspca ya dum , an find it a home with some1 who givs a chit,,,,get rid of,,,,,,,wat r u like xxxxxxx
give it to an animal shelter or place an ad to give it up for adoption.
put an ad in the local paper, someone will take him in
Cat rescue, cat protection league and the RSPCA will all be able to rehome it.
write him a note
Contact your nearest Cats Protection branch ( or other animal shelter. They should be able to arrange to collect your cat and rehome him.
Send it to an animal shelter it's the easiest thing to do. also the people at the shelter people will do thier best to find a good home for it
take it to a humane society. another way is to drop it off somewhere far from home, but is not really a very correct way to get rid of a pet. just don't try to drown it. that is a criminal offense and can get you in serious trouble in some places.

Advertise it in the newspaper, hang posters at the vets' and around town with pictures of the cat and his good qualities, if you can figured that out.
I'd ask any neighbours first to see if they would prefer ownership. cats by nature are roaming creatures who interact with your neighbours maybe more than you do. So ask them first. The cate the still has the benefit of the immediate surrounding area. Other than that, suggest you take him/her to a cats protection league who have cats best interests at heart and will try and rehome to a loving family.
put signs up saying stuff about the cat and you want to get rid of it try like a veterinarian place to put stuff up but please don't bring the cat to a pound
Please take it to a shelter.
You'd better explain yourself further as you will get a lot of well-deserved abuse from a question like that.

You do not "get rid of" a family pet like they are part of the trash. An animal dependent upon you for its life is not something to be lightly discarded.
Drop it at a no kill pet shelter.
Pound I guess. Or classified.
:*( how big is the cat? just go to the nearest animal shelter near you.. go on yahoo and do an animal shelter and put your zip code in the search. I'm sure they'll find the cat a home.
I hope you mean "find a home" when you say "get rid of." Put flyers in pet shops, ask you friends and family to spread the word, put ads in papers. Good Luck!
cats protection league
Put an ad for him/her in the newspaper.
Sell it to you local science research laboratory they are always looking for cat %26 dogs
Let it back into nature it will quickly get accustomed. But bad news: there have been reported incidents of cats which returned home even if they were droped of miles away!
Phone CATS PROTECTION LEAGUE I imagine their number would be in phone book (UK) Not sure of other countries.
Its easy you feed it for about eighteen years depending on its age now, let it out when it wants to go and let it in to settle in a nice cosy cat basket when it needs and wants to. Let it have a cat flu injection once a year and then much to your surprise, provided it has not had an RTA it will expire. At this time you can either dig a nice deep hole in the garden and bury it where it prefered to lay most when it was alive or take its poor body to the vets and let them do the proper thing for it.
take it out for dinner so it can't make a scene
If you don't know of any good friends who will take your cat, ask at the nearest vet. Make sure you really want to give it away, I did this a few years ago (the local vet gave it to her aunt) but it broke my heart, and I still regret it.

We have a 1 yr.old neutered cat and are thinking about adding a new male kitten, will either cat spray?

We have a 1 yr. old neutered cat (indoor) and are thinking about adding a new 12 week old male kitten (indoor) to our family. Our 1 yr. old cat has never sprayed but we are worried about the chance of either cat spraying. Can someone shed some light on this situation??
I would say the one you already have might only because he will want to let the new cat know who's house it is by marking his territory hope it doesn't happen but it is a possibility one or both will.
if the cat isnt neutered then it will spary but if the cat is neutered then it wont spray.the cat that is neutered will not spray the kitten.
If you neuter the new kitten young (Now, no he isnt too young) your chances will be less. Spraying is a behavioral problem usually and if your older cat has never sprayed before and the new kitten isnt a threat there shouldnt be a problem. Introduce them slowly.
I just had my kitten neutered and I asked the vet if he will spray, the vet did tell me that 90% of the time male cats are not able to spray after being neutered, however, if you bring a new cat (male or female) into the house, they can become territorial and began to mark their territories. He said chances are that marking may not happen, but bringing a new pet into the home is always taking the chance of one or the other developing behavior problems such as marking. So it's always going to be a risk, but is it a risk you would like to take? If so, it may work out fine and the territorial thing isn't an issue. Good luck!! : )
We had good luck when we brought in a kitten with our 9 year old neutered male cat. No problems at all. they got along famously.
Yes, they will both spray as they try to claim their turf. Incidentally, even neutered cats have offensive urine which they will spray as a marker for their territory.

And you won't be able to get the little one fixed for at least another 3 months or he will have urethral problems. So, think about it!
The new one will unless you have him neutered.
yes its possible for the new one to spray if you get the kitten neutered as soon as possible they usually don't

We have 5 month old kittens living in a barn. How do we teach them to go to the bathroom outside?

Their mother goes outside but they are too little to manage to get out how she does. We could provide them with a cat door but I wonder if the mother cat will use it and teach them how to.
Locate the area where you'd like them to go and place a litter box or sand in the area. Place the kittens in the sand and they will naturally choose it for going to the bathroom.
get kitten talk and say please go to the bathroom outside in kitten talk!111.
They will follow what the momma cat does and if you don't want them to use the bathroom in the barn it would be wise to put in a cat door.
You do not. you cannot.. if they are an outside kitty, they will go wherever they want and it is impossible to teach them.. The ONLY way that I would know is to have a litter box outside the barn but in an area that is free from rain, etc.. THEN the kitty MIGHT learn to go there.. you would have to put the cat in the box just to possibly prove to him that it is there.. but other than that.. I would not have much faith in the fact that it will learn on its own
i would think that they would follow mom. if they are only a month old then mom takes care of the bathroom stuff.
are the kittens 5 months old or do you have 5 one month old kittens??

either way you should get mom cat spayed - even farm homes need to be responsible
when they are old enough they will go out side but until then you can provide them with a litter box in the barn. when its cold they should stay indoors anyhow.. outdoor cats have so many risks - frost bite is one of them
Eventually they will learn by mimicking their mother but if that does not happen give out to them everytime the do it in the barn and u should take them outdoors or everytime the mum has to do it bring the kittens to her so that she will teach them . I have been raising cats for 15 years

We have 5 inside Cats, and my parents want to bring in plants for the winter, what would be a good repellent?

It is fixing to get cold down here at nights and we have 4 very active kittens, and the Mama cat inside, we rally don't want them to chew on the plants, any suggestions for a good repellent that won't hurt the plants or hurt my babies?
Plant Play

Cats %26 plants, the eternal struggle. It might be worthwhile to try a Boundary Indoor/Outdoor Cat Repellent from Lambert Kay cat %26 kitten repellent. These are pretty effective in keeping cats %26 kittens away from problem areas. An alternative is spraying cayenne pepper on the leaves. This is a safe and effective repellent. Also, when disciplining, be consistent, that is the most important thing. Check out the rest of the training tips and read some of the notes on why cats are so attracted to grass.

check a pet store, they sell repellents for couches and things, im sure they work or plants too.
theres a product called shoo that should b available in the pet stores or u can always use garlic. that usually does the trick. do u know if any of these plants r poisonous if the cats should happen to start chewing on them. ur vet might know or u can call ur county agricultural dept.
Ground chile pepper sprinkled on the plants should keep them off, this is what I do to my chritmas trees every year, and it works pretty well, with out chemicals.

Here is a list of plants that are harmful to cats, some can cause kidney failure and be fatal to cats, if you have any of these plants, I'd keep them in a room the cats are not allowed in.
there is a citrus spray a repelant especially for cats they cant stand it. or you could just try putting fresh orange peel in your plant pots. make sure your kittens have lots of dangely things away from the plants to plat with.
if all else what worked for my cat with the clothes on the line, i would watch him and squirt him with a water gun/squirt bottle (not high pressure) it's not cruel and it only takes a couple of days till they learn
Offhand there's nothing that I know of that you can put on the plants. Try putting these plants in a spot where you know they can't get to them. You may have to spread the plants around the house tho, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
I suggest putting the plants in one room and shutting the door on them so the furballs can't get to them. In all of my 40 some odd years of katz, this is the only thing that has ever worked 100% for me. Some repellants work on some, but not on others and some repellants just simply stink.

we have 2 stray cats , they are 1 yrs olds, we took them in when they where 4 months?

, woudl it be possible to get them used to a puppy ? the reason we want to get a dog is to protect our home, which has been broken into , and we thought maybe if we got a small puppy and got the cats used to him , they wouldnt freak out when the puppy is grown- is that possible ??
You could get a puppy which, like a kitten, would probably bug the cats to death. I would suggest going to a humane society or animal control agency and getting a young dog. You might even be able to find one with a history of happy association with cats.
How do you "Have" a stray cat?
Cats can learn to like dogs, and dogs can learn to like cats. If you can, before you get the puppy: wrap it in a towel or t-shirt (to put puppy's scent on it) and let your cats smell it. When you bring the puppy home put it in a closed room or bathroom so the cats and puppy can sniff one another and get used to one another. Remember: in your cats' minds the puppy is invading their territory. After a couple days you could probably put a child safety gate across the door opening so they can see one another as well as smell one another.
Yes! All my cats(3) and my dogs(2) live together.Sure sometimes the play gets a little rough but they pretty much hang out together when the T.v is on!
Yes, they most likely should learn to like each other.
invest in an alarm system
Sometimes it depends on how old the cats are. If their still young, 6 months or so I'd say yes. Sometimes its all in the nature of the cat. I have several cats with all different kinds of personalities. Some get along with the dogs and some don't. You really won't know until you try it. It might work and it might not. If you have problems with the cats peeing in the house, it will be because of the dogs invading their space. Cats are wierd like that. Good-Luck and I hope everything works out for ya.
Getting a puppy would be best; the cats will lose their little minds for the first few weeks. I had two full grown cats and adopted a full-grown pit-bull from a shelter. The cats hid on the top floor for about two weeks. It took a while but they have fully adjusted to having a dog in the home with them, the only change we had to make was placing their food up higher so the dog could not get to it, and turning the litter box around because Miss Piggy thought it was a refillable all you can eat buffet bar.
The best advice I can give you is to let them interact a lot when you bring the new dog home. I did not, for fear of one or both getting hurt.and one of my cats just does not like the dog and I wish now that I had exposed them to each other more in the beginning.

Good luck!!
Yes, it is possible to have a puppy with your cats. The cats are probably going to be older than your puppy and they may feel intimidated at first, and may even slap at the puppy because the pup will most likely want to play with them. They will eventually get used to eachother. Good luck.
When my brother visits from out of town, he brings his dog with him. It is funny to watch the action. My cat dares the dog to chase him, then he jumps on something high and hisses and scratches the air. But when the dog is put in his carrying case, my cat comes over to sniff and investigate. I bet they would become friends in no time, but my sister-in-law is afraid.

We had to change one of my cat's diet today. Read more?

They have put him on prescrip food. We've always had dry food (the good stuff) out for the 2 cats to snack on whenever they want. So today vet says only this scrip wet food. It's really expensive, and my 2nd cat doesn't need it. So tonight I took all the dry food up and fed my 1st cat (the dominant one) his scrip food. Then I put him in a room and closed the door and put wet food out for my other cat, a total paranoid. She's been used to sorta sneaking to the dry food during the day to feed, and now she doesn't know what to do. When I tried to give her *her* dinner tonight, with the other cat locked up (bcuz he'll push her out of the way to get to it), she just bolted. How do I feed her where and when she's comfortable? We don't really have the option of keeping them separated during the day. Anyone faced this before? How do I solve this?

And no "get rid of one cat" or "I don't know" answers - I need real world solutions here.
I have a similar problem. My middle aged cat just had surgery for a stone in her bladder. The vet gave me special "wet" food for her to eat. My other two cats eat dry food. So what I have done is I went to my vet and got the dry food formula of the wet food. It took about a week to get the other two cats to eat it, and if the other cat does eat it, it won't hurt her because it is basically the same formulation.
For a real answer here I would need to know what precription food has been prescribed and what "good" dry food you have been using. It's entirely possible that both your cats could eat the same food.

The female cat will get used to having "meals" and not free-feeding all the time. This will actually be better for her than eating all day and/or night long. It won't be easy and she may be upset till she gets used to the new feeding schedule.
Try feeding them side by side and stand there to make sure they only feed from their own plates. Maybe if beta kitty can keep an eye on alpha kitty and know where he is he will relax and eat. Try it for a few days- he may resist at first, but he is going to get hungry. Make sure he doesn't go for very long without eating though. Just an idea.

I bet that right now beta kitty feels like he is going to get run over by alpha kitty at any moment, not being able to understand that he is locked in a room. Seeing him with his own plate of food will take away that threat.
I had to do this once with my cats and I changed the two cats that didn't have to eat the special food dinner time. The one that needed to eat the special food was traumatized enough about having to change so I made sure to spend extra time with her and worked with her by feeding her by hand for a couple of days in the same spot she was used to eating and the other two received "extra" treats for eating in another place. I fed the other two earlier so they weren't hungry when it was time for the other to eat.

Good Luck!
I would confine the skittish one so he/she knows there is no threat and hopefully will feel safe enough to eat. I had a really special cat that had the same problem. Kept him on Hills Science Diet dry, and never had a problem again. Hope all goes well! :)
Depending on what the problem is depends on if there may be a more workable solution to the food problem.There is more then one company that makes prescription foods. I am a tech and we deal with many cats with urinary issues. Some do well on an all wet diet (all cats even those with no medical issues should eat at least some wet food daily anyway. It is healthier for them), some do better on a dry diet and others do better on a combination. A diet food is worthless if the cats won't eat it. I personally have a cat that is prone to stones..he refuses to eat Science Diet CD or SO wet or dry (don't blame him since i hate SD foods anyway) but he does like Purina UR and will eat that. He isn't much of a wet food eater but will eat some. He only likes the Chicken Soup canned food so he gets that in the am and has his dry in the am %26 pm. I have 5 other cats who don't need a special diet so the get CS dry %26 wet. I almost kept him on the CS because he did real well on it and didn't have issues while on it.If I hadn't found the UR to his liking I would have. CS is a high quality food.
Good luck in finding a food that is a quality food and within your budget that will suit all your cats needs.

We had our 7 week old kitten Euthanized?

Last night we made a decision to Euthanize our kitten who fell ill. Now we're feeling guilty. Did we give him a chance?He was fine saturday throughout the day. Saturday night we noticed him wanting to lay around not be his normal self. Sunday, he was laying around barely wanting to eat so I called the ER Vet hospital and took him in, they examined him and said he was constipated. They gave us a supplement to give him along with a laxative and suggested we give him food through a syringe. We were hoping that it would have softened up the stool and helped the little guy out They told us to take him back tuesday for a check up. When we took him back the Vet told us that his kidneys were swollen and he still had the blockage. We were trying to excersice all of our options, asking if they could correct the blockage but they said with his kidneys swollen that it didn't look good. They recomended Euthanizing but now we're not so sure if we gave him a chance. We didn't want him suffering.
Euthanizing a pet is never an easy option, but the vets would do all within their power and that they felt there was no other way to go
I believe that you did the right thing. If the vets thought that there was no hope for him that it was best that you let the little one rest in peace. I hate to see any animal suffer. I'm sorry that you lost a friend! God Bless
it might have been the best for him. its something ull never really know and may ponder on it for a good while. my dog had 9 puppies and bout 3 months later one came down with parvo, took him to the vet and they suggested euthanizing him, told me if i took him home hed only have 20-30% chance of living but i took the risk and he made it through, but in the process we lost 2 other puppies due to the parvo. that was a year ago this month and i still wonder if we would have put him down if we would have lost the other 2. i know none of this means anything but sometimes its for the best. u did what u could for him.

sorry for the loss
Don't feel so bad. It was ony 7 weeks. It's not like you had it for years. Also, they euthanize hundreds of kittens EVERY DAY just because there is no room for them. Yet people like Paris Hilton who claims to be an animal lover spends $!0,000 on a purse and $50,000 on a dress and $200,000 on a car when she could build a sanctuary for cats and save thousands and thousands and still live her millionaire lifestyle. You know what I mean? Anyways, don't feel guilty. You didn't want it to suffer. I would've given it a chance but that's just me. Don't beat yourself up over it.
I think you made the right choice. It's not an easy one but if the little creature had so many problems, especially with its kidneys, at such a young age, it's better to put it down.
I'm sorry you had to go through that. i have never had to euthanize my pet but i can imagine how hard it would be for me to do so. it sounds like you followed your vets advice and did your best. don't feel guilty. he is not in pain anymore thanks to the fact that you thought about him first and not how you would feel without him. i don't know if i could be that selfless.
Well, what I would have done.if it were my cat.I would have gave him pain killers of some kind and still tried to save him because that was real quick. It was sweet that you didn't want him to suffer I understand that. Also if you did have other options you should have used them to save him though, I'm just saying that's what I would have done. In the mean time you can always get another kitten that is healthy. Good Luck to you.
If it was recommended by the vet then it may have been the best thing to do.

It is always a hard decision.
it's hard to know what the right thing to do is. dealing with pets is difficult b/c we love them so much. yet, they are animals and unfortunately their medical care expenses are amazingly high. it sounds like your kitty was quite ill and sometimes you have to choose between money and a procedure where the outcome is uncertain.
Don`t beat yourself up about it. The vet knows what`s best. The kitten would be suffering and you did the kindest thing. Bless you.
I'm so sorry for your loss. If the vet recommended it, he/she must have seen that there was nothing else to do for him. I have lost pets before and I know how you feel. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss.
A big hug to you! it is too late to change a decision and you did what the vet advised and they don't advise that without careful thought.
Please do not beat yourself up over it. An animal has no idea what is being done to it when they poke and prod and if the vets thought there was a good chance of survivial they would have told you that. Otherwise I tend to think going to great steps to save a animal that is really dying is selfish. without knowing all the details..I would say you cared for that kitten enough to save it from unnecessary pain and discomfort.
Don't affix undue blame upon yourself or try to second guess the professionals. Living is tough enough without sending yourself on a guilt trip. Your intent and compassion are well meaning and sufficient.
I had to put down my cat of 13 years last November and it still haunts me. He had kidney failure and they did everything they could to let him stay with me as long as they could. They told me he wasn't suffering and I would know when it was time. For 2 weeks I took him back and forth to the vet for fluids and carried him to the litter box and carried him everywhere he wanted to go. He couldn't poop and only peed a little. I cryed every time I took him to the vets cause I thought they would tell me it was the end. One saturday I went out and when I came home he was on my bed (where I put him) and had peed all over it. He could barely meow and wasn't eatting. I decided I needed to take him to the vet again. I put the cat carrier on the floor in the kitchen and since he had no use of his back legs by then, he dragged himself into the carrier. I think that was my sign since he hated that carrier more than anything. I did have him euthanized that night and I stayed with him as they gave him a shot. I still miss him and cry for him. My point is, when it involves their kidneys, there is little hope. Lots of cats have kidney trouble and in the end they die. You did the right thing and saved that kitten from alot of pain. Now when I think about it maybe I should have put my cat down sooner but who knows? I believe you did the right thing for your kitten and believe me, he would only have gotten worse. It breaks our hearts but sometimes its for the best. I took my cat home that night and buried him in my back yard. I have a memorial stone where he is buried. They are such a part of our lifes but you did the right thing. Don't feel guilty about it, you saved him from pain and misery. I saw my cat and even though they told me he wasn't suffering, I think he was. No you did the right thing believe me. Think of the little time you had together and be glad he's not suffering.
I know it was very hard, but you made the right decision. Even if he did survive, he would most likely have suffered from kidney failure. It was better not to let him suffer any more than he did.

Sorry about your loss, and take care.
The vet is the professional, he knew what he was talking about. Better to put the poor little guy down than to have him suffer. I am sorry you had to make that decision. It is never easy.
Stages of Grief

It's difficult to compress the feelings of grief into stages, and loss professionals seldom agree on what those stages are. Some say there are only five stages, while others yet claim seven. We prefer to say that there aren't stages so much as there are patterns in what grieving pet owners may experience. The reason we believe differently is that we feel a person grief is going to depend on the circumstances surrounding their loss. For example, an elderly pet who has passed on after an extended illness is going to be grieved over differently than a young pet that has died suddenly and violently. While the pet owners in both instances will grieve and feel pain, the emotions they experience are going to be different. Emotions will also vary depending on the relationship the pet owner had with the pet that passed. For these reasons, we prefer to educate pet owners on the emotions that they may experience, rather than lock them into an anticipated "schedule" of grieving.

Disbelief/Denial - This is usually the first emotion that a pet owner experiences after a loss. The pet owner can't believe that their pet is gone, and when they do believe it they don't want to accept it.

Confusion - It's very natural for a bereaved pet owner to seem addled and unable to gather their thoughts. This is normal and will eventually go away.

Yearning/Bargaining - It's very normal for a pet owner yearn to have their pet back. This intense yearning can lead to bargaining ("I promise I'll be a better person if you'll just let me have my pet back."). Bargaining is normal, but it's important to realize that there is nothing you can do to bring your pet back.

Anger - Anger is a very normal feeling when grieving for a pet. The anger can be directed at anyone or anything such as work, the veterinarian, your spouse or other family, or even friends. There may be a brief time when the anger may even be directed towards the deceased pet for leaving the pet owner behind. Anger can sometimes be directed at surviving pets ("Why did you survive when Fido didn't?!"). Most often, though, the anger is directed inward towards the pet owner themselves.

Guilt - Guilt is probably the one emotion that is universal among loving pet owners who have experienced a loss, especially a euthanization. Most pet owners will feel guilt and indecision regarding the timing of the euthanization ("Did I wait too long and make my pet suffer unnecessarily?" or "Did I not give her enough of a chance to fight the illness?"). While guilt is perfectly normal, it is not constructive in the grieving process and can actually be a setback if you let it eat you up inside.

Sadness/Despair - Anyone who loves their pet will be sad that he/she is gone. It's important for the pet owner to not be ashamed of their sadness just because the loss was a pet and not a human. The loss of a pet can be more profound than even the loss of human relative, depending on the relationship between the pet and pet owner.

We give my cat weight loss food but she is still wicked fat! Why?

how long have you had her on the weight loss food, have you checked with the vet to make sure there isn't a medical condition that is making your cat fat? cats should not loose weight fast, it damages their liver.

just keep giving the recomended portions to your cat per day maybe if you don't divide it up to 3-4 meals. get a string toy and have her chase it for maybe 5-10 mins a day to start off with.
Maybe eating birds and mice if she is a hunter when she is outdoors , if she is an indoor cat maybe you need to think of a way to exercise her indoors.
Because it doesnt fill them up so they eat more

plain and simple
Take him outside for a walk or play %26 give him a little exercise.Also , cut down the food a touch.
they need to exercise too
Cut back on the food. Don't leave the dry food out all day. Encourage actitivity -- play with her each night.

If she still doesn't lose weight, talk to your vet. It could be a problem with the thyroid or metabolism
She is eating too much and not exercising enough. i know it is hard, because my cat is supposed to be on a diet but all we have managed is to maintain him somewhat overweight, but you have to give her less food.
My cat is VERY offended. She is sitting here saying " Fat cats are happy cats!" Her tummy was tuching the ground, she had a tummy tuck.
I have a fat cat as well.the vet told me to fill a box (shallow) with golf balls, remove one and spread the days portion of food over the balls that way the cat has to work for the food. I am getting ready to try this one, I already put the food on a different floor in the house, she has to go down two stories to get her food, but she is still fat! Good luck!
She may just need more exercise. Also, make sure to give her meals instead of allowing her to nibble throughout the day. Like for people, portion control is crucial for weightloss.

If that doesn't help, have the vet examine her. She could have a thyroid problem or other condition.
If you will cut the corn out of your cat's diet and get a premium food with quality protein source and maybe rice as a "filler" I can guarantee she will lose weight - gradually and appropriately and be better nourished into the bargain. Cutting out corn will stop her GAINING any more weight.

Cutting back on the amount of food is just starving your cat and can make her health deteriorate. Exercise is ridiculous -- felines in zoos eat high protein diets and they don't get more exercise for their size than does your housecat. They are always lean and well-muscled.

Read the label on her current bag of food - the first two ingredients should be a high quality protein (not by-products) and the third will be a filler such as rice.

Eagle Pack, Katzenflocken, Natural Balance, Nature's Variety (Prairie), CA Natural are all excellent kinds. Eventually you should use several different kinds for your cat so she does not just have one protein source for her food. The brands mentioned have foods with duck, turkey, venison as protein sources.

To switch dry foods for a cat click on my name at the icon and follow the "recipe" there for a gradual introduction of a new food.
Weight loss foods for cats come in several types, and they work in several ways.
Over the counter 'lite' foods are just reduced calorie diets- and they will work slowly if you follow simple guidlines- give a measured portion a day (your vet can tell you how much), split into several servings. No treats!
Prescription reducing foods like r/d and m/d by hills are 2 very different diets.
r/d means reducing diet, and it works by creating a high fiber/low fat diet- again, meant to be fed in measured amounts.
m/d means metabolic diet- it's the atkins diet for cats- and some cats GAIN on it- so it may not be a good choice.
All cats must loose weight slowly, too rapid weight loss harms thier liver.
There are medical conditions that may affect weight- diabetes, thyroid and others.
A good check up, with basic blood work and then a diet plan for your cat is most likely to work, also, having a realistic time line will help.
Just like weight watchers for people, you need to be able to weigh your cat- at least monthly to measure progess. Most vets will let you drop in for no charge to plop kitty on a scale.

There are ultra low fat treats also made - ask your vet.

If your cat goes out doors, realize neighboors often feed cats-
Hope this helps
You should not give weight loss food. Just less of regular dry food. Don't leave it out all the time. Do two 20 minute feedings and remove the food. Don't give table scraps or wet food. See a vet; maybe something else is up..
Well, some of those weight loss foods just don't cut it sometimes.or she is pregnate..has she been nuetured, if you keep trying to get her to loose weight take her to the vet to find out if she really is pregnate..hope that she's ok..

We gave my cat a flea bath and now he can not meow.?

I getting getting a little worried. Could it have anything to do with one another?
Get him to vet ASAP!! a lot of over the counter flea dips make them sick.
hahahaha - I can't help it - hahahaha - that sounds funny.

Maybe your cat is just still in shock that you actually put him in water and bathed him.. He'll probably start meowing later. To be sure open up a can of tuna and dangle it over his head until he starts meowing.
If you used an OTC flea shampoo, get him to a vet immediately.
yes, get him to the vet asap! a lot of the over the counter stuff you can buy at big box discount stores and grocery stores is toxic and can kill your cat.
hes mad at you.
It might be just shock at actually being bathed, but my kitties were always very vocal after I bathed them. Take your cat to the vet: He might be having a reaction.

Good luck!
(Hypothetically) Smacks Julie J in her (alleged) fat idiotic head and pets the kitty..

It should be okay as long as you didn't get it into the cat's ears.

You are never supposed to submerge a cat in water or soak it below the neckline.

If you got it in his ears, it goes directly into the throat as cats have different ear drums and Eustachian tubes than we do.

If you believe you did get the medication in the ears, take it to the vet if it doesn't get better in a few days. the signs for an emergency trip to the vet are always dehydration, bleeding, failure to thrive or eat and drink or relieve themselves.
The medication obviously made his meow flee.

hes mad at you right now; don't worry; unless he is quivering; he will be ok.

i give my cat a bath all the time; no problems; they just get mad at you; but they get over it.
Probably best to at least call a vet immediately.

If in dim-lighting his pupils do not constrict when a flashlight is shining in his eyes, then re-dilate when it is removed, he is in serious trouble and should be rushed into the vet.

We found this cat as a stray and took him in. I just have no idea what kind of breed he is. Please Help!?

What kind of cat do you think he is? He is very orange and has really green eyes. He is lazy but very sweet. I think he is a mix of somthing but here is a picture of him and you can decide for yourself what kind of breed he is.

He looks like a domestic medium/long hair orange tabby.

Domestic short hair, domestic medium hair, and domestic long hair are terms for any domesticated cat that isn't a specific breed (mixed cats).

(And no, he's not a Persian. He may have some Persian in him somewhere, but he doesn't have the trademark "smooshed" face of a Persian..making it pretty unlikely that he is one.)
A cat.feline.furry football.same thing.
Long haired domestic
He isn't any particular breed. He is simply a Domestic Medium Hair orange tabby cat.
most strays r mixa kinda like mutts but in cats
i have two that look just like that. he looks like a domestic long hair. cat's don't have to be a certain breed to be special. good luck with your new kitty!
DLH - domestic long hair. This is the generic name for a non-specific breed of domestic cat. There is probably som persian, hence the long hair, but the coloring is wrong. Just a run of the mill DLH most likely.
alley cat
A mix Domestic Long Hair
You found Garfield!
Aww he's soo cute. Yeah i'd say a domestic long haired.
Awww he is so sweet.I think he is just a domestic long hair..but he is cute as a button!
He's really cute.. not sure what breed though. If you decide to keep him you should probably take him to the vet and get him checked out and I'm sure they can tell you what he is.

Here's an article I found that might help. the cat in question sounds alot like yours actually

Good luck with your new kitty!
long haired american tabby notice the 'M' marking on its head?
Your cat resembles a Turkish Angora to some extent but the likelyhood of that being the case is slim. Most cats, at least in countries such as the US, Canada, and any other place their ancestors had to get to by boat, are no particular breed. Occasionally the cat will have prominant identifiable features such as the cheshire face of the British Shorthair, which can testify to at least some of it's lineage, but most cats are mixed. Cats are strange when it comes to genetics. Kittens from the same litter can have entirely different markings and builds, and not just because they very often have different fathers. Even within pure bred cats there is an astounding amount of variation. Unlike dogs, where typically two black and tan German Shepherds yeiled black and tan German Shepherds, cats within one breed can often have a variety of markings because of the manifestation of genes from generations past.

Unless the breed is completely obvious, cats are usually just identified by their coat length, color, and marking type.
From the pic, he may have a little Maine Coon in him because of the medium length hair and the look/shape of his face/neck area -but that could be a little Norwegian in him too. All in all, he looks like a general Domestic Medium Hair (DMH) - no specifics here, he could be a mix of several breeds from lines of long ago. just enjoy!!
From Vet Tech in Texas.

we dont have cat food and we are keeping a cat for a while what should we feed him?


I would just go pick up some cat food.. wet or dry. if this is someone else cat and you feed hi or her other stuff you mya make them sick.. and well the other owner may not be real happy about that.

Cat food is cheap. Id use dry food if you dont know what she or he usually eats..
But maybe pick up a can or 2 of wet i case he wont eat the dry or for a treat.,

Also dont feed it milk. you know milk in a saucer. you will get a cat with the runs!! No fun!
Cats can also get salmonella so raw eggs are not the best and Tuna either
Cat food is best.

Good Luck
Go buy cat food. You can get a 20 pound bag at Walmart for 8 dollars. Nothing else is suited for their digestive systems.
How long are you keeping the cat? If it's gonna be for more than 1 day, just buy a small bag of cat food.
Then go buy some cat food jeez
canned can get it for like 49 cents a can and they LOVE it :) make sure to get the tuna in water
Well if you are avoiding going to the store.. and you have a dog.. give it some dog food, until you can get to the store
you can feed the cat any type of chicken and you can buy some tuna out of the can. Make sure you give the cat some warm milk, only if it is a kitten. You can also give the cat cold milk if it is full grown. Hope that you take my advice.
canned Chicken soup, Canned tuna fish, winnies, scrambled eggs, bologna, anything really. They eat everything whedn they are hungry. No chicken bones, no milk (contrary to popular belief) no pork.
tuna i would go to the store and get some its very inexpensive
Try giving it tuna and some bits of vegtebles. or look it up on the internet.
Chicken or tuna but to go out and buy cat food would be cheaper.
go to the grocery store and buy some like a bag of purina one chicken lamb and rice and maybe a couple of cans of nine lives put out a bowl of the dry food in the morning about 1 cup and then every other day feed a can of the 9lives.if you just need something for tonight until you can get to the store give them some cooked chicken no bones please
You need to get cat food. Any cooked human food does not contain taurine which is essential for the cat and all cat foods have taurine added. Lack of taurine can cause a cat to go blind and/or develop heart problems.

Cats also need vitamin A which their bodies can't make as ours do. Raw chicken liver is good source for that. Try just a small amount as it is very rich and can cause diarrhea. Should not be given daily as excess A is stored in the liver which is not good for the cat. Chopped up raw chicken wings might be a go if the cat recognises it as food. Raw hearts and gizzards are also good and a rich source of taurine.

NO cooked chicken bones, ever. Do not use ground beef or chicken as the risk of bacterial contamination is too high with ground meat. It also is lacking in calcium and would throw the calcium/phosphorus balance out of whack.

So cat food is the best choice, although the raw chicken is wonderful for the cat's health and it must include all those parts of the chicken mentioned - the lean muscle meat and bones in the wings, vitamin A in the liver and taurine in the hearts and gizzards.
go buy some cat food. its cheap
you should go to the store and buy some cat food. its not healthy to feed them anything else.
i would suggest to go out and buy some cat food
cat food

we brought home a new kitten a few weeks ago. she was sneezing alot at first and now her eye is runny and she?

keeps it closed. and today her nose is stuffy. she acts pretty normal otherwise. she is 2 months old. should i take her straight to the vet? how do i know when it's bad enough to not be just a cold? can they get better by themselves? what can i do for her?
Your new kitty should have a vet visit at the age of 8 weeks for needles and a general checkup plus deworming. Sounds like she has a sinus or upper respiratory infection and needs antibiotics for sure. You can keep her in a warm room with lots of blankies and fresh food and water. Make sure her litter is not scented or clumping because of the sensitivity she may have to it.
I hope she feels better soon :)
take her to the vet, she could have pnemonia, you could run a vaporizer near her so she doesn't get congested. sounds like she needs and antibiotic.
Here are some sites that can help:, on this site You can set an amount to talk to Someone. Like $5 or $10 dollars.

Look up the information on the first site first. I know that sneezing and eye discharge are both signs. It could be allergies, and it could be more serious.

Hope all is well real soon

I just looked up the site myself and it does show that it could be symptoms of several different things.
Go to the left hand side of the screen, under conditions and look under the Feline contents, click on each and go to symptoms.

I didn't know it but now You can speak to a Vet on their site for $10.00 as well.
she has an upper respiratory infection. don't worry, the vet can treat her with medication that you will have to give her everyday. my 2 yr. old female had it when I brought her home at 5 wks. she'll be fine. unfortunatly, kittens immunes systems are very low so whatever another cat had, they caught it instantly! but don't worry at all, just take her to the vet ASAP!! in about a week or 2 she'll be as good as new! HIH!

P.S. she DOESN'T have pneumonia. whoever told you that needs to do some research before they answer a type of question like this!
I would say take her to the vet. My husband and I just adopted a 4week old kitten. At first she just sneezed every now and then but then it started to get worse. She has a stuffy nose, watery eyes, and a muffled meow. The vet gave us some viralys gel to give to her. Its supposed to taste good for the kitty (too bad she so stuffed up she can't taste!) Its hard to tell if shes doing any better right now.. shes becoming more active, but she still wont play and you can hear her struggling to breath through her nose.

If you can't take her to the vet just do what you can. Because my kitty's eyes are watery and it will dry on her face I get a warm moist rag and clean her face. I also hear that turning the hot water on in the bathroom, shutting the door, and spending some time with her in there will really help her breathing. (but not your water bill!)

We have a cat that has the same problems, sneezing all the time, and a runny eye. We were told by the vet that she had an under developed tear duct, and that it wouldn't hurt her. We were also told that the sneezing could be allergies. She has outgrown the sneezing (thanks to an allergy shot a few years ago) but her eye still runs. I would go see the vet to make sure it isn't anything more serious. And just keep wiping the eye so that a crust doesn't build up. I hope this helps you. Good luck with your kitten
The best thing to do is to watch her. Did she come from a shelter? Because of the close housing conditions there most of the cats get some kind of upper respiratory infection. It is viral and usually passes like our flu.

You do not have to rush off to the vet tonight as there is not much they can do with her. Your biggest clue is that she is behaving normally. If she is eating and eliminating normally too I would just call her vet tomorrow.

If you got her "off the street" so to speak then it could be a more dangerous situation if you haven't already started her on her kitten shots.

At any rate you need to watch her closely to make sure she can breathe OK and especially that she does not become lethargic.
Put neosporin in and on her eyes and rub it. Do it every 4 hours. Clean it with a warm cloth. I would give her some benadryl tabs.
Pets can take anything we can.
That sounds just like when I brought my kitten home. I took her to the vet and it was a respiratory infection, which they said was common in new kittens. I had to give her antibiotics. It won't clear up on it's own.
vet visit.sounds like upper respiratory to me, can be more dangerous in kittens than full grown quite contagious so if you have other cats.have they been exposed?
You need to get your kitten to the vet as it could be cat flu which if left can be fatal

we bathe our kitten every 3 or 4 days, is it o.k.?

Despite what others say, it's perfectly okay to bathe a kitten/cat, but every 3 or 4 days is too often. It will dry the skin and coat.

Do this occasionally, with a good shampoo. We particularly like Eqyss Premier and their rehydrant spray as well.
you are not suppose to bath cats. ever
No. Your kitten can easily get sick. Its okay to do it mabie 5 times a year but kittens naturally clean themselves. My friend did it just as much and her kitten dies because it got so sick. I was so mad!
Cats groom themselves. Their saliva acts as a deodorant and a water proofer for their fur. You should bathe them at most once a month, but is best maybe every three months. Unless they get into something really messy.
don't your bathe kitten unless of course it has poop stuck in its fur.cats bathe themselves regularly.
Nope. It's not OK. Poor Kitty.
Ummm, can I ask you why? Cats are cleaner than people. They clean themselves almost constantly, so there is no reason for you to do it unless they rolled around in a pile of dirt and you dont want it in the house. Otherwise leave it to kittens, they can take a better bath themselves than you can.
No leave the poor thing alone! Cats clean themselves. That is why they lick themselves. They've done it for millions of years. Why stop it now?
We bath our cat every 3-4 months with Cat Shampoo. We've been doing it for years and he's been okay. The vet told us to put down a towel or mat in the shower for him to grip onto so he's more comfortable. But i'd double check with your vet and make sure you are using the correct shampoo since the kitten will just turn around and lick itself, which inturn could make the kitten ill.
Unless they get some muck on them or something toxic, leave them be. My puddy walked through paint and it was a pain for the both of us. They are self reliant, they don't need you at all. But a weekly brushing is good, so when they shed the hairball problem won't be that much of an issue.
Don't do that, first your removing Kitty's natural oils from his skin, they get dandruff and dry skin,

your risking getting him sick, unless your bathing kitty for a flee dip or to remove something on the fur your not doing you baby cat any good,

but sounds like your trying, call your vet and talk about It with them, Its free
Unless you are showing or competing professionally or have a bad flea and tick problem, I don't recommend you bath your kitten at all. I use Frontline Plus on both my cats and dog once a month and a cat naturally cleans itself every day. They are verrrrry clean animals. If your kitten is not licking or cleaning itself and it looks dirty or unclean I would seek a veterinarians help, for your kitten may be ill. Good Luck!
This is excessive cat bathing - - unless your kitten is soiling herself and not cleaning herself adequately after using the litter box.

Consider only washing her bottom (if that's the problem) or her feet if they are smelly. Overwashing a kitten can lead to cat colds, pnenmonia, general malaise if you do not properly dry and 'baby' your kitten after washing. Also, be sure you are using a gentle soap "baby shampoo" and not scrubbing her skin too hard -- you can dry out her skin and cause cat dandruff.

Overall, unless there is a severe problem (like diarrhea) I'd suggest you switch to baby wipes and give your kitten a chance at learning how to groom itself.

Good Luck!!
no honey its not. Bathing them alot drys out their skin and makes them feel itchy. Also cats really dont like being wet- they don't dry as fast as we do. Even when they look mostly dry they still are usually damp underneath. Its also easy for them to get sick if their continuously wet, being damp usually makes them cold. A wet cat is an uncomfortable cat. I wouldnt bath you kitten often at all - at the most once every two months. Dont worry they like to clean themselves and they dont get dirty like dogs do.
Please don't. Kitties learn to groom themselves from adult cats. At first they can be a bit stinky because they are learning about litter box politics, etc. If you must, use a kitty wipe all over. When adult, it might be a good idea if you bath them 'quickly' once a year. It gets off the dander and cleans the skin. For fleas, use a collar, not powder or pesticides. Cats can get sick when they lick themselves.
I think it is not sae to bathe yer kitten's yet as its still rather weak to can also just let him bathe itself. just wait until its grow abit bigger.than yer can bathe it..
I would have to say NO for two reasons.1) by bathing your kitten you are actually striping his protective oils off his body. Cats don't just lick themselves to get hairballs, they spend a lot of time grooming to clean themselves and spread all that oil over they're body's. 2) all that shampoo and kitty cleaner will eventually cause dry and flaking skin which can and will turn into some problems for you. Once every 4 weeks is plenty, if at all. hope this helped.
Excessive! No need to bathe kittens or cats this much. Kittens and cats are very clean. Once a month flea bath might be OK, if you notice fleas. Otherwise they will groom themselves.
That is too often. But yes you can bathe cats. When I first got my kittens I gave them a bath once a week to get them use to them. Now that they are older once every couple of months. You can also get moistened bath wipes to use instead of bathing.
we used to bathe our cats (and my sister in laws - to make a total of 3 at the time) about every other month. i now haven't bathed them in over 2 years and their coats are healthier and softer than before. the only times you really need to bathe your cats are if they have fleas (and then it's best to take them to a vet for a flea dip) or if they got something on them that they can't get off on their own or may make them sick if they try to lick it off themselves.

they do groom themselves better than you could clean them, and it's better for them to groom themselves than for you to bathe them.
I just do not understand why people bath their cat unless it has something really obvious on it's fur like a huge muddy patch. Cats clean themselves, they do not require bathing.
No definatley not
You should not be bathing them at all, unless they get really messy from their litter or something. You need to leave them alone with their own oils, etc. They are amazingly clean animals!
WHY? They bathe themselves. You got a lotta time on your hands, haven't you?

we have just moved to UK from California,we wonder if anybody could help us to find exotic cat?

In CA we had an "Ocicat" and we fostered a bobcat (well, I think it was definitely bobcat, but a mix albeit, mostly bobcat)-Can anyone shed some light on the ability to get any kind of exotic cats; and also are there any members out there of any of these exotic cat clubs (That may be the place to get an exotic cat also!)-Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi there.perhaps a Bengal?

Cat clubs
(both ocicat and Bengal are listed as well as many more):
Whats wrong with an ordinary cat or kitten. There are plenty of homeless cats who need a home and you wanna go pay hundred of pounds for a cat which does exactly the same but just looks different. Good luck, they look really cute
Ive got a bengal and I live in the UK. They are probably one of the most exotic you can get in the UK
Get a life the world is full of unwanted animals wild animals belong in the wild.Rescue a deserving animal from the many sanctuaries world wide or donate to the wildlife funds.
Type Ocicat breeders into Google and do a UK only search, you will get pages of result. Sorry am not gonna do your research for you, but you will easily find lists of breeders for all breeds, you could even try typing in exotic breeds and see what it comes up with.

Ways to comfort a sick cat?

My cat is sick, she currently drinks on her own but I need to force baby food into her mouth. Im taking her to the vet tommorow.

Does anyone have anything special they do for a sick cat? Im feeding her baby food, laid her out in her little hut with her favorite toys around her.

I watered down some evaporated milk but she will only drink water.

Any ideas?
It sounds like you're doing what you can, but water is the best thing for her to drink anyway. Human milk can actually dehydrate a cat making things worse. Getting her to the vet is the best thing you can do for her.
tack her to the vet..
put him on your lap or otherwise very close to you. Cats "feed" on our energy and your concern for him will be "transmitted" to him, giving him the WILL to live.
Sorry to hear your kitty is sick!! It sounds like you are doing a great job at making her feel comforted, I don't know that there is anything that you should do different, but make sure she is warm too. It is great that she is drinking on her own and I'm glad that you are getting some calories in her with the baby food, which also provides some fluid. Any idea what is wrong? Hopefully the vet can do some bloodwork and maybe some SQ fluids and get her on some meds to make her feel better. Good luck!
Keep pushing the water. Don't try to give her any food right now. Keep her in a quiet place away from noise and other disturbances. Stay near, but don't try to do more than lightly stroke her although she might want to snuggle you. Keep her warm. I use a small heating pad under plastic and beneath 3 or 4 towels so it won't get too hot, and if she has an accident, the pad won't electrocute her.
Some questions to ask. Is she using a litter box? If you can, without disturbing her too much, look at her gums. Are they pink or are they pale? If you pick up the skin on the back (nape) of her neck, just as her mother would have, does the skin immediately resume its shape or does it take several seconds to return to normal? If you answer no to the litter box, pale for the gums and/or no to the quick resiliency of skin, then you might want to call an emergency vet.

Good luck. Remember, sick cats usually like to be with their people, but sometimes they just want to be left alone.
Comfort the cat as much as possible..reassure that they are loved.Do try getting some milk in her it will cause her to pass anything causing stomach upset and keep her from having an empty stomach.The first of a mothers love milk.
It sounds like you are doing everything you can, and good advice has been given.just keep her warm. Have you taken her temperature by any chance? Is her nose warm? What are her symptoms? Sometimes when kitties are coming down with a cold they will just lie around a lot and don't eat much, but they do drink(most of the time)
The milk isn't good for her..
I hope she gets better soon.(((hugs)))
She may not feel like eating. It is good that She is drinking on Her own. Force feeding water can be dangerous. The only baby food that My book says to feed is like strained meat baby food. If You get a chance to take Her temperature it should be no lower than 101.5 and no higher than 102.5. If it is too low She needs to be warmer. I have used the broth from chicken soup in the past, but have since been told that the sodium is too high. Might try a little or water it down more. You didn't say what the symptoms are. You can go to, they have info that might help You. Also, where You can ask a Vet or Vet tech for a set fee, like 5 or 10 dollars. Also the milk is a bad idea, cats can not digest it properly, and it can cause diarrhea. Also You do not want to have them too hot, or too cold.

God Bless
It depends how old she is too. At least she is drinking water. I hade to take care of mine who was 13 years old, sick, and quit eating and drinking then died. For a week or so, I used the water out of tuna and pureed wet food into a baby food like consistency. Then I filled up a large syringe without a needle and had to sort of push it down his throat. The only thing you can do is what you are doing: making your cat comfortable, and make sure she gets plenty of water. The syringe works for putting water and medicine down her throat too. Hope your kitty gets better, I cried for weeks over the loss of mine.
Let her drink water, not milk as it will cause more probs, as others have already said.
Human food isn't all that great for her. As you are taking her to the vet tomorrow, I wouldn't force feed her anymore.
Perhaps some chicken or fish stock for her to drink. Fish has a stronger smell and if her nose is blocked is more likely to appeal.

If she is mouth breathing or very rattly put some vicks on her chin. She cant lick it off, but the vapour will help clear her nose. If you have a vapouriser, put that on with eucalyptus oil, also to help clear her nasal passages and ease breathing.

Sit with her and stroke her. Contact is very important.
Don't force her to drink or eat. It's a good sign she is drinking water
put water or the baby food on her paws its a natural reaction for cats and dogs to lick their paws
Aling animals tips on care
of nursing both people and pets. People or animals, the principles are the same: reduce stress, create a restful environment, and provide supportive care. Imagine what your needs are when you're feeling ill. A sick pet wants the same kind of care you would want.

Here are some ways to promote recovery or at least make a sick animal more comfortable.

Create an environment that is odor-neutral. Until your sick pet is feeling better, hide the air fresheners and potpourris. Go easy on perfume or after-shave. Avoid splattering grease on hot burners when cooking. Postpone spraying for bugs or painting the interior. If you smoke, do it outside.

Adjust the room temperature to fit the pet's needs. An animal who has a fever needs the room cooler than the aging pet or the one just back from surgery.

Keep the sickroom quiet. A pet who isn't normally bothered by the teenager's stereo or the little girl stomping around in Mommy's high heels will be much more sensitive to noise while sick.

Turn the lights down low. Bright light is contraindicated during illness. Filter sunlight through drapes. Use low-watt bulbs in the evening. Most animals will rest better if the sickroom is dark at night.

Offer temperature-sensitive nourishment. During whelping, a mother dog's body temperature drops. Warming her water, milk, or dog food, enhances her recovery. A cat or dog with a fever or acute infection appreciates liquids that are cold.

Help with activities of daily living. Pets often get diarrhea when sick. Diarrhea weakens a pet, making it hard for him to keep clean. Use a warm washcloth and wash up his muzzle, his neck, and his bottom as needed.
Animals can also get bedsores from lying in one position too long. Provide thick bedding. If the pet is too weak to move much, change his position every few hours, gently turning him over to the other side.

Don't rush recovery time. If a pet doesn't seem ready to resume his usual activities, don't push him.

Sleep is a great healer. Don't hover over a sick pet. Provide the necessary care and then let the animal rest. Keep a close eye on the patient without waking him. Petting and fussing should be kept to a minimum.
Glow for your cat.
I can only add one thing to what others have said. colostrum and brewer's yeast are very good when a cat is having trouble eating. Both are available in health food stores and may even be available in supermarkets. Colostrum is high in nutrition but easy to digest. Brewer's yeast is high in B vitamins which stimulates the appetite. If the cat is eating a little baby food, you might sprinkle a little of both on her food and give it to her. You can increase the amount gradually. Don't give her too much colostrum at once because some cats get diarrhea.
Hope your kitty feels better.
a baby aspirin helps, hope kitty is ok..hus to kitty