My bb is a 17 year old Queen and she is really worrying me. I took her to the vets last week and as she is an"OAP"! she is entitled to a free checkup, then the trouble began. I was told she had lost a kilo in weight over the last 15th months which I didn't think was excessive as a year ago she was a house bound cat due to living in a flat %26 now she can come %26 go as she pleases cos we live in the country. She has had tests for Kidney function-normal, diabetes-normal but 1 liver enzyme raised but could be due to over active thyroid- still waiting for the result. What worries me is that she has started to do her "business" on my bed, this is so uncharacteristic of my cat so why is she doing this if her kidneys are functionally normally? Yeah ok, you will say take her back to the vets!! but I need impartial advise please! Plus I cannot afford to take her back to the vets as my vet is not affiillated with the RSPCA/PDSA so I can not get help with fees. Help please?
we av a ten yr old cat that went through the same thing, although instead of my bed it was my flat mates! lol! he has finally grown out ov it now put it was the moving that did it to him, he also lost weight (i think in protest!) but he is now back to his lovely little self and gone back to his litter tray, i do hope all is well or you can find a cheap vet just to be sure although if your cat is 17 i think you done a mighty fine job ov raising her!
Take it easy.
Sometimes cats are really annoyed by vet trips, and they will defecate in areas to let you know-beds, pillows, inside shoes and the like. If this problem just started after the vet trip, I'm thinking she's mad, and letting you know.
If she had a urine test,and is peeing on your bed, it is possible her bladder is a little sore from the procedure.
Clean up her 'business' with a good quality pet odor neutralizer, make sure her cat box is perfectly clean and give her lots of love.
If that doesn't help, do call the vet back and at least talk to them.
that sometimes happens with older cats she is maybe just pissed off at u for taking her to a vet
get your vet to refer you to the pdsa, if you aer on benefits you are entitled to the treatment
myabe she is just a old and her bladder funtions not properly?
But actually it sound more "psychological".. new people in the house.. somebody left ..
Funny thing about cats is that now that she is able to roam free this means she most likely isn't comming home everytime she goes pottie, so shes breaking the habitit of only using the litter box.
ok - i have just lost my cat after two years of liver failure - she also had abnormal liver results - the vets will give u anti-inflammatorys to help her and liver drugs
dont worry about the soiling - shes probably feeling unwell and cant be bothered - she might just have a small infection
follow all the vets advise - keep her protein intake as low as possible and dont worry - the liver can recover with the right treatment
i know u cant afford to go to the vets - nor could i - but im afraid if u want the help u need to find away to afford it - maybe u need to even change vets to achieve it
best of luck - my cat had a good two years please please dont ignore the liver results - ur cat will only get worse
im not a vet but my cat who is 10 did this when we moved house for about 6/7 months then stopped i was told it was the stress of moving shes fine now so hopefully its nothing to worry about but for now stop her going into your bedroom.sorry i couldnt be anymore help and hope someone else can advise you better. i love my cats there my babies so i can appreciate your concern good luck!
the cat may have done her business by accident the first time (maybe a little incontinence in old age) but now that the area is effectively marked by her smell she may seem to think it is her area so will do again. maybe you should clean your bed and mattress with a solution of biological soap powder as the enzymes in it will break down all the smell and proteins your cat can still smell as other cleaners only mask it. if this doesnt help then maybe should think about visit to vet again
had similiar problem training my kitten but she done her business on my settee and after cleaning with the bio powder she didnt go back to it and this was suggested to me by a friend who has had cats for years
your cat is very old.
if she's sleeping on your bed and gets up she may be releasing urine at the same time because her bladder may be getting weak with age. like when a pregnant woman sneezes and urine comes out.
if she's pooing on the bed maybe she just doesn't want to go outside and do it. do you still have a litter pan in the house for her?? if she's been an indoor cat for so long and now can go in and out when she wants, you still may need a pan inside for those just in case moments. she really is an old kitty. maybe she's getting tired??
do call your vet anyway as this is unusual behavior. they may be able to reassure you better.
i wish you luck.
well unlike you first responce I think your picture is great, I love the country and my dad owns a 90 acre farm.
anyways your cat might or probably has a type worm. Mostly tape worm which lives in their digestive track (small intestines). I causes them to lose weight because it deprives them of nut rents,
and your cat could have gotten it by eating grass, (which believe it or not cats do), or eating another animal with tapeworm.
The loss of weight would go along with having a thyroid tumor so the results may show that. That can be treated with medication. Drinking and urinating more frequently as also symptoms of hyperT. So that might be a reason for her urinating on the bed. Do you have a litterbox for her inside? My cats can go in my garden and they frequently urinate or defecate out there. So she may be doing her "stuff" out there and still need a place in the house for her to use.
I am sure the old gal is enjoying being outside. Exercise does not cause cats to lose weight that much. I hope you will be careful and feed her at dusk and bring her in for the night. Remember that she is over 75 in human years, her sight, reflexes, hearing and ability to escape predators is greatly diminished at her age.
"Research also shows that vitamin E improves circulation, the immune system, endurance, stamina and skin" Wenell Belfield, DVM. 100 IU of vitamin E daily."
Flower essences might be good for her too. You may be familiar with them as Dr. Bach was an English physician. Any reference I would give you on them would be for the US and I don't think you could import them except at much greater expense than they are here. So you might do an internet search for firms in the UK. The firms here have combinations expressly for senior cats.
It sounds as though your cat is probably hyperthyroid (overactive) this causes them to lose weight whilst eating well/more. It is treatable with tablets and usually reversible with respect to clincial signs (ie weight). The cat wetting on the bed is likely to be stress but often hyperthyroid cats get cystitis. Dont worry but do go back to the vet for the complete results. If you are on any social benefits then often the RSPCA will help - ask your vet- there may be some forms to complete.
Try putting her in a room like the bathroom with her litter box and of course her food and water. This way she will have to use the box. and you can monitor her poop and urine..
she may be upset over the move. She may be afraid of the outdoors if she was previously an indoors cat or she may be suffering senile dementia. If you cannot afford to look after her and cover essentials like food or vet bills perhaps the time has come to think about letting her go?
She is your responsibility and you have an absolute duty to provide what she needs.If you cannot, then think about whether you should be keeping her.
Hi Little
yes i agree with you its a costly to keep bringing her to the vet, There a spray you can buy to spray over where you cat has pooped to get rid of her scent, she sound cool for a 17yr old cat, i bet when she does it she looks at you knowing your going to say something. Good Luck with her and fingers crossed for her results. Hope there all good
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