Friday, May 21, 2010

Too many cats?

People keep giving me cats. I can't have them in the house because when they are, I can't breath and my face itches. I know I should have said no and I know I should give them back, but I can't. The animal shelter isn't taking cats because they have too many, and winter is coming. How can I find homes for these cats? I feel like such a horrible person. There are three of them.
Hi Marija.consider posting ads on either or Craigslist . On Craigslist select your state then city then next select the section "community" and subsection "Pets" to post your ad. Consider asking for a small fee rather than for free ($15-30 per cat) to disuade unsavoury people who look for free animals to use for research labs, dog bait training or worse people who like to torture cats. Additionally, mention that you would like to conduct a home inspection once a month for several months to be sure your cats are being well cared for and that they are not given away again.
you can put an add in the newspaper or something or on
Hi. I don't know where you're from, Ms. Maria, but if the local shelters aren't taking them, I think the best advice is from the 2d answerer. Also, start paying attention to the comediennes,.they are saying that 2 cats is OK, 3 cats makes you THE CAT LADY!!Good luck, dear, and next time, just say 'Sorry, allergic',.easy.
Post an add for them on Call Petsmart - there used to be a feline rescue affiliated w/ them, they may be able to help.

Post a big sign on your door - NO CATS! to prevent any more from finding their way to you.
I cannot help with the placing problem, as I am likely to live too far away (in Bulgaria), but I think you mustn't feel like a horrible person. I am guess you would keep the cats if they didn't threaten your health, and an allergy is reason enough to reject them; and the effort of finding them good homes, or at least reasonable shelter, is good.

I keep my fingers crossed that you'll find good homes for the kitties soon!
You are not a terrible person. Just good hearted! Still doesn't solve your problem. I still suggest take them to the animal shelter, once there, by law, they can't turn you down! Tell them:
Do you want me to let them run wild? Then you'll have a bigger problem!!
place an ad in your local paper, go to ans ask friend and family to spread the word that you have some kittys that need homes.
Set up a shelter outside so they can get out of the weather. Place an ad in the paper.

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