Friday, May 21, 2010

Two of my cats have started vomiting frequently in the past week. What would cause this?

First you need to make sure they're vomiting, versus this is a common mistake. Regurgitation is when the food comes back up undigested (basically, it's how it looked before the cat ate it). Vomiting is when the substance that comes back up resembles bile (yellow-like fluid), saliva or a mixture of the two. If you're not sure, take the vomitus to a veterinarian and let them determine this.

Determining this is the first step b/c regurgitation, (or hairballs for that matter), while not good for your cat, is a lot better of a scenario then if your cat is vomiting.

In my experience, a cat that vomits over a 24 hr period is in bad shape and should be taken to the veterinarian IMMEDIATELY or preferably before. This could be the sign of an obstruction (a foreign object/blockage in the intestine) which is preventing the food from passing through normally. X-rays and bloodwork are always a good idea (as is a Felv-Fiv test), but sometimes vets treat conservatively at first w/ a motility modifier like Metoclopramide (Reglan), an antacid like Cimetidine (Tagamet), or a combination of those two.

I've always been taught, 'a cat who vomits is in bad shape' as this is usually a secondary symptom of a bigger issue.

Take them to the vet, and I wish them well :)

Hope this helps
did u change thier food if soo they wil PROBALLY get used to it
See a vet. My friends cat pukes everyday! I call him Pepper Puke. The vet gave them I believe, a pill or some kind of food that helps.
If you have not recently changed their food or anything else in their environment recently I would get them to a vet. They may have ingested something toxic.
It could be some sort of virus, or something wrong with the levels in the blood. I would take the cats into the vet, and have them checked over.
I would get both the cats to a vet. It's not worth taking a chance. Be prepared to give the vet as much info as possible about your cats' environment, diet, housemates, any recent changes, other symptoms, etc.
It might have been your cats ate to fast or something my cat alwqays vomits because he eats to fast because we don't gave him much food when we feed him because he is getting fatter so yeah are they to hot or something? If they are then yeah that's amybe one answer too.
Definitely take them to the vet. There could be a blockage in their digestive tract that's not allowing them to keep any food down (this happened to my cat a few years ago).

If anything, the doctor can give them medication to help stop the vomiting.

Good luck!
I would see a vet right away. They're something wrong and it could be serious.
if they barf out a white substance then it must be renwal failour,other wize i dont no or they could be sick poor kitty.
It could just be hairballs, it could be something worse. Take them to the vet. If it is just hairballs, you can buy this stuff at the petstore called Petromalt. Works great.
Don't wait and take them to your vet..cats are VERY GOD at hiding illness.
I am wondering if you have recently brought a new plant in your house. Some plants cause vomiting and foaming at the mouth. I would definitely call the vet ASAP, I'd rather be safe than sorry. Too many things can cause this.
either they ate something that they weren't suppose to or they have parval i lost 3 of my cats to that its really sad i recommend that you take them to a vet
bad cat food, wrong food, or just a weak stomach
They may be getting into something. Last December, my male started throwing up every morning. Like clockwork.I was sure to be greeted by a pile of something in the morning. Usually, it looked pretty mucusy. Like foamy spit. Then I caught him chewing on the branches of my artificial Christmas tree. He'd liked sleeping under it before, but I'd since put presents down and removed his sleeping spot. Spraying a little bitter apple on the branches and giving him his spot back eliminated the problem completely.

If it's not something poisoning them, it could be their food.

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