Friday, May 21, 2010

very young kitten with fleas?

we found 2 kittens on my street. our neighbor took one and we took the other. i guess they were abandoned. anyway she has fleas. what is a safe way to get them off? i know she is too young for powder, collars etc.
Call the vet. Many of those products are too harsh for small kittens. The vet will have something you can use.
take her to the vet and FAST
Flea comb
Get some Avon Skin So Soft, put in a spray bottle, add some water and wet the kitten down with it. Be sure to get it down to the skin. Works every time. Keeps mosquitos off my grandson also.
I believe you shall get those medicines for dogs or cats. Or take her to the vet A.S.A.P!
Citrus oil will kill fleas. Get a dish detergent with lemon or grapefruit oil in it. We used it on young kittens back in the day when I worked in a grooming shop. Just make sure that you rinse, rinse, rinse.
use a flea comb. Its safe and gives the kitten attention. IT is a good way to bond wih kitty while getting rid of fleas
They make a flea comb that you may want to try, and they also make flea medicatios just for kittens that has a lower dose of the medication so that the kitten will not get sick from it. Also you can try a flea collar.
I read on a web site and then researched what I had read and it is a recommended old home remedy I would try myself too. Add some brewers yeast and garlic powder (sorry don't remember the measures, you can find it on many pet sites) to there food. It gets in their blood system and fleas hate the taste and jump off and it detour es new arrivals through smell. It is not noticeable to us though. Good Luck.

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