Monday, May 24, 2010

wanna hear something funny?

my cats are like incredibly big spazzes my one cat the oldest is loike 1 1/2 yrs old and about once a day he'll like go and run back and for to the back door to the front window. it's hilarious. expecially when he's a huge freakin cat. like abnorally huge size of a small dog like a cocker spaniel or something weights about 20 or more lbs. and he's black too so after about two times he runs there and back he starts to pant franticlly. isn't that hilarious or what

I mean its so hilarious to watch

lol lol ha ha ha ha ha
hes doing it right now too
Someone who appreciates the joy a cat can bring to your life - perhaps the one who asked if it's wrong to hate cats {did you see that question?} should actually get one of her own and get to know it, she might discover that she actually has a heart that is capable of caring about someone or something other than herself for a change! I have 3 cats, they all have their own personalities, all different in nature to each other, just like people. In fact, they are better than people, they don't ** about ya to your friends, they don't cheat on you, they don't lie to you, and they give affection unconditionally. What human do you know who does that?

I've got a question for her - is it wrong to hate someone when you don't know them or anything about them?
its probably a brain aneurism.
haha thats fuuny :-)
We have 3 male cats. They are also crazy. They will do like Kitty WWE wrestling. Tackle each other to the ground, bite each others necks, claw at eachother's faces. Then just stand up and run away. They also cuddle and clean each other.

It's hard to explain to non-cat people, they just don't understand.
Why, that is hilarious!
My cat use to run into the wall in the mornings.
This is kitty aerobics. Considering the size of the cat that is amazing. Still likes to exercise even tho out of breath. More of us humans could take a hint from your cat. Exercise, no matter what. Anyway my cat is funny about climbing up on things that will topple (i'm a piler!) and no matter how many falls will try it again. Towels toppled in the bathroom some time ago and the curtains did not stop the fall and now are in shreds. Time for new ones and cat is just fine looking like he didn't do anything. Innocent or dumb? i dunno. Love'em.
something could be wrong with him, he sounds crazy
wingnutrosie. you just described my two male cats. my female cat just sits there watching them, and by her expression, I know she's thinking 'you morons'. lol
It sounds like you enjoy your cat. Cats that don"t have to hunt, instinctively need to burn off some energy by what appears to be "Kitty Sprints"..This is normal for a healthy cat. (If the cat ever seems to be in distress then you need to call the vet.)
well froggy_dimebag this is very funny.that was a good thing to hear..!
yea and i had a girlfriend like that once.
your * mean
why dont you get off your fat and do that?
lets see your cat laugh at your fat stupid .

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