Monday, May 24, 2010

Visine for cats?

i have a male cat, his upper and lower eyelid are red, and he keeps squinting with that eye, do you think i should put Visine or any other drops in his eyes?
Im not sure about Visine but Im sure rinsing w saline solution would be safe, or Real Tears..Im not saying the Visine would hurt him but im not sure on that
No - he is probably having a viral outbreak of some kind and should be seen by your vet before you put anything in his eyes. The redness you are seeing is called conjunctivitis, and can be caused by different things. Your vet can give you something for the infllammation and/or infection.
Never give your pets people meds of any kind without consulting his doctor (vet)!
straight saline solution is the only thing you should put in your cats eyes without having the doctors approval..I would NOT recomend VIsine.some of those drops can blind your cat.
Good Luck and call the vet!
Try using a teabag it really works.Good Luck
Don't use the Visine.

"Cats often develop a herpes virus condition in the inflammation of the indside lining of the eyelids and shallow, painful ulcers."

"The following remedies are useful:
1. The amino acid L-lysine.

2. articifial tears - not the kind for contact lenses. The product should contain the ingredient methyl cellulose (or hydroxy-methyl-cellulose) These drops help wash away viral particles.Tears Renewed.available in drugstores."

"Lysine: 250 to 500 milligrams twice a day for up to five days for an acute episode. Break open the capsule and mix ..into food.

Artificial tears: 1 or 2 drops, three or four times a day." Jean Hovfe, DVM
Take him to the vet
take him to the VET
No take him to the vet.!

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