Friday, May 21, 2010

Throwing Up Blood?

I just noticed my female cat throwing up. When I went to clean it up, I noticed a pinkish-red tinge to what otherwise seemed to be saliva. I recently began noticing blood in the litter box as well, on top of the stool, but I let it go because I wasn't sure which of my cats was doing it, and I didn't think it was occuring often enough or in great enough amounts to cause concern, especially considering how low I am on funds.

Please don't just tell me to "go to the vet." I know that. I'm not a moron. I'm taking her as soon as I can tomorrow morning, as there are no emergency vet clinics in my area. I am simply asking to see if there's anything I can do until then to alleviate any pain she might be having.
I think it could be beneficial to skip her evening and morning meals. 24 hours or something like that of fasting will not harm her (cats can go for 3 days without food without any harm). I think it's something wrong with her digestive system, and if you clear it out to start with you will assist your vet; also, food can additionally irritate the problem.

I am not 100% sure this is the right way to go, but in any case it will not harm her, I think (routine 48 hours of fasting are recommended for cats with some internal problems).

I don't get the impression that she has lost her apetite, so my guess would be she is not in pain. Sorry you're low on funds (such things do tend to happen on top of everything else); I hope it's something that can be easily taken care of by a professional.

Good luck to you and your kitty!

P.S. Do NOT give your cat aspirin; unlike dogs, aspirin is toxic to cats!
when my dog was in pain they told me a baby asprin ,But with the cat bleeding I would not .if you think stomach is upset you can give pepto for upset tummy ,sorry wish I could help !!
Wish I could help you with any advice. unfortunately I can't. never had that problem with my cats and can't call a vet at the moment to aks questions because it's 5:30 pm here and there's no surgery opened anymore. Hope everuthing will work out for you and your cat.
One thing i'd do for sure, is if she does have something seperate her from the other cats cause if its a virus or something that is contagious you don't want your other cats to get it too, so i'd keep her with you for the night or put her in the basement or something. And like you said take her to the vet. only then you can be sure. Oh and make sure she's actually eating and drinking. i've seen with hyper thyroidism (i think thats what its called) your cats digestive system works too fast for the cat to completely digest all the food and it hurts the stomach causing them to throw up accompanied by small bits of blood. hope that helps at all.and i hope your cat feels better. makes me sad when they become sick : (

(this is just from my own experience, so please dont' hold me to anything)
well as far as i remember my first aid classes, throwing up blood means a stomack injury (if its not really throwing up but rather caughing it up, then its a lung injury). either way this is really dangerous stuff and ulness the cat gets immediate help nothing can really help him/her, you cant even say that you can make sure she lays down and rests, coz you cant make a cat do that either. sorry.

dont try to give him/her human pain killers because you cannot be sure whether that is good or toxic to them.(

wish you all the very best:((
There is really nothing you can do until you get to the Vet. She definitely has an intestinal problem, I hope it isn't too serious. Good luck. really concerned about your cat as im a cat lover..but i really dont have any idea of what can be done in this sorry
the only thing I could possibly suggest to maybe help her to relax untill morning is if you can get to a pharmacy you can buy baby sedatives, its to help calm collicy(sp) babies %26 you put in in their can read the dosing on the package %26 the kind I always used came in a little squeeze tube %26 you just either squirted it down their throat or put it in some milk %26 let her lap it doesnt knock them out but calms them %26 makes them relaxed, I have to use it when I have to bathe my kitty as she stresses out so bad Im afraid she will hurt herself and me, it also helps in traveling w nervous pets. I just htought this mught help her to relax %26 make her night more comfortable, kinda like pain pills do for people..wish I knew more sorry
Bloody stools in cats are not uncommon and sometimes the cause can not be discovered it could be any number of things from parasites to dry stools to any number of illnesses. The vomit with blood can also be a sign of intestinal parasites, gastric ulcers, heart worm. But even vomiting blood is not that uncommon in cats and taking her to the vet tomorrow is soon enough. I hope that it is nothing serious and don't beat yourself up if she is not showing any obvious signs of pain or behavior changes then she is probably fine.
If she isn't displaying any other symptoms (lethargy, sleeplessness, etc) or if the bleeding isn't getting worse (she's been doing it for a while?) you should be OK to take her to the vet tomorrow. Don't give her anything to eat, it might make it worse. You might want to bring in both cats, in case it's something contagious.
Sorry, can't give advice on pain med, I do know that tylenol can kill them, they are allergic to it. years ago one of my cats had blood in his stool, he was loaded with roundworms even though he looked very healthy. Good Luck.
DO NOT GIVE ANY ANIMAL ASPRIN IF IT IS HAVING A BLEEDING " ISSUE".cou. be nothing, but it could also be an internal "blood issue", I'll spare you the long wording and names. NEVER give any animal any medication with out a proper dose and okay from a veterinarian. If you cannot get there untill 2 morrow , so be it.Call the vet and see if there is anything THEY can recommend to give her to settle her tummy.

Also, is she spayed? Could she be in heat? And bleeding, and excessivley cleaning?

Just a thought and PLEASE DO NOT GIVE ANY MEDICATION recommended by these people on Yahoo Q%26A for the sake of the animals.

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