Friday, May 21, 2010
URGENT HELP!! Can overdose of Frontline spray cause vomiting+diarrhea to kitten? If so, how serious is it?
You talked to your vet and are going in the morning? I don't think it would cause diarrhea but it could cause the vomiting. Take up and food you may have down but leave the water, and if possible keep your kitten in one room in case of an accident. Calm down your kitty can sense your nervousness and it doesn't need the added stress. If you feel you must do something now then call the frontline people if there is a number on it or take your kitty to and emergency clinic.
see your vet
YES get the kitten to the vet NOW. It can be lethal
Call Your Vet, Lady!
yes, get your cat to a vet NOW!
GO TO THE VET NOW. Usually you shouldn't be using that stuff on a really young kitten
yes get to the vet right away so they can put him/her on an iv
If it were one of my cats, I'd call another vet. And see if the packaging of the Frontline says anything about what to do in case of an overdose.
Wash it off with dish soap. you can put alcohol directly on the spot where it was applied.
Try giving the kitten a bath to get the excess off so the skin doesn't absorb more.
On my bottle it has a 24 hours assistance line, it's US # though 1-800-660-1842, check your bottle for a # in your country.
There would only be a problem if the kitten ingested it. If the vet doesn't believe it's the frontline, then it probably isn't. Relax until tomorrow when you bring him in to the doctor's office. Be sure that he gets fluids though, you don't want him to be dehydrated.
just give your kitty some milk. If she wont drink it take a little eyedropper and feed it to her. And just keep a close watch. Just for safety instead of spating your kitty, try spraying a towel and wrapping the kitty with it. Best to do outside so you dont get fleas in house
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Overdose will be dangerous for your cat.