Monday, May 24, 2010

We give my cat weight loss food but she is still wicked fat! Why?

how long have you had her on the weight loss food, have you checked with the vet to make sure there isn't a medical condition that is making your cat fat? cats should not loose weight fast, it damages their liver.

just keep giving the recomended portions to your cat per day maybe if you don't divide it up to 3-4 meals. get a string toy and have her chase it for maybe 5-10 mins a day to start off with.
Maybe eating birds and mice if she is a hunter when she is outdoors , if she is an indoor cat maybe you need to think of a way to exercise her indoors.
Because it doesnt fill them up so they eat more

plain and simple
Take him outside for a walk or play %26 give him a little exercise.Also , cut down the food a touch.
they need to exercise too
Cut back on the food. Don't leave the dry food out all day. Encourage actitivity -- play with her each night.

If she still doesn't lose weight, talk to your vet. It could be a problem with the thyroid or metabolism
She is eating too much and not exercising enough. i know it is hard, because my cat is supposed to be on a diet but all we have managed is to maintain him somewhat overweight, but you have to give her less food.
My cat is VERY offended. She is sitting here saying " Fat cats are happy cats!" Her tummy was tuching the ground, she had a tummy tuck.
I have a fat cat as well.the vet told me to fill a box (shallow) with golf balls, remove one and spread the days portion of food over the balls that way the cat has to work for the food. I am getting ready to try this one, I already put the food on a different floor in the house, she has to go down two stories to get her food, but she is still fat! Good luck!
She may just need more exercise. Also, make sure to give her meals instead of allowing her to nibble throughout the day. Like for people, portion control is crucial for weightloss.

If that doesn't help, have the vet examine her. She could have a thyroid problem or other condition.
If you will cut the corn out of your cat's diet and get a premium food with quality protein source and maybe rice as a "filler" I can guarantee she will lose weight - gradually and appropriately and be better nourished into the bargain. Cutting out corn will stop her GAINING any more weight.

Cutting back on the amount of food is just starving your cat and can make her health deteriorate. Exercise is ridiculous -- felines in zoos eat high protein diets and they don't get more exercise for their size than does your housecat. They are always lean and well-muscled.

Read the label on her current bag of food - the first two ingredients should be a high quality protein (not by-products) and the third will be a filler such as rice.

Eagle Pack, Katzenflocken, Natural Balance, Nature's Variety (Prairie), CA Natural are all excellent kinds. Eventually you should use several different kinds for your cat so she does not just have one protein source for her food. The brands mentioned have foods with duck, turkey, venison as protein sources.

To switch dry foods for a cat click on my name at the icon and follow the "recipe" there for a gradual introduction of a new food.
Weight loss foods for cats come in several types, and they work in several ways.
Over the counter 'lite' foods are just reduced calorie diets- and they will work slowly if you follow simple guidlines- give a measured portion a day (your vet can tell you how much), split into several servings. No treats!
Prescription reducing foods like r/d and m/d by hills are 2 very different diets.
r/d means reducing diet, and it works by creating a high fiber/low fat diet- again, meant to be fed in measured amounts.
m/d means metabolic diet- it's the atkins diet for cats- and some cats GAIN on it- so it may not be a good choice.
All cats must loose weight slowly, too rapid weight loss harms thier liver.
There are medical conditions that may affect weight- diabetes, thyroid and others.
A good check up, with basic blood work and then a diet plan for your cat is most likely to work, also, having a realistic time line will help.
Just like weight watchers for people, you need to be able to weigh your cat- at least monthly to measure progess. Most vets will let you drop in for no charge to plop kitty on a scale.

There are ultra low fat treats also made - ask your vet.

If your cat goes out doors, realize neighboors often feed cats-
Hope this helps
You should not give weight loss food. Just less of regular dry food. Don't leave it out all the time. Do two 20 minute feedings and remove the food. Don't give table scraps or wet food. See a vet; maybe something else is up..
Well, some of those weight loss foods just don't cut it sometimes.or she is pregnate..has she been nuetured, if you keep trying to get her to loose weight take her to the vet to find out if she really is pregnate..hope that she's ok..

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