Monday, May 24, 2010

was wondering why my cat that is 15 yrs old doesnt go poo in his poty box?

His box is kept really clean everyday.
You may want to take him to the vet as soon as possible.

I had a 15 year old female cat with the same problem. She contracted kidney disease. We had to put her to sleep several days after her diagnosis.
He's 15. It happens at that age. Sorry :-(
It's possible that your kitty is sick. Please get him to the vet very soon.

Good Luck!
Sounds like the poor thing is just getting happens. Sorry.I know it's sad, but pets dont live as long as humans.
From your question I am assuming he uses his litterbox for urination. Your cat could be having a problem with constipation which is making it difficult or painful for him to move his bowels.

I had looked that up earlier today in my veterinarians' natural remedies for cats book.

One vet suggested using Capra Mineral Whey (Mt. Capra Cheese, 800-574-1961). It is used as a human supplement for constipation. The vet suggested using 1/4 of the human dose which can be mixed in food. She stated that most cats like the taste. I would assume you might find it in a local health food store.

The vet states that whey is a natural tonic for the intestines and that it can be used indefinitely.

A cat who is 15 years old is equivalent to a 74 year old human. I would like to state that I am 75 and NOT incontinent, nor do I have trouble with my bowels!
Has your cat recently starting pooing outside the box? If so, your cat is very elderly at 15 years old. Just like elderly people, sometimes they become incontinent. They lose control of their bowels/bladders. Your minieux (pronounced Mee Noo--Cajun French for kitty) is getting old, cher!
My 15 year old cat had problems like that too. I took him to the vet and after about 3 months of fiddling we finally figured out what was wrong with him, polycystic kidneys. There is very little they can do for him so he keeps on doing what he wants.
I had a 14 year old cat who kept peeing everywhere, he soon lost his sense of balance, couldn't eat and we had to put him down due to old age. I couldn't bear to see him suffer.

I'm sorry, it's been 15 good years i'm sure, but it's time to hold on to the memories and let the poor thing go.
One of my cats did the same thing. Our vet said,the cat food had too much fillers and not enough meat protien, and unlike dogs, cats cannot digest cornmeal fillers. The fillers cause damage in the cat's digestive system. So when my cat got older he had sever digestive problems. Even still, it wouldn't hurt to have your vet see the cat.
I have to agree with the other answers.

Take him to the vet as soon as possible. In May I had to have my 12 year old male cat put to sleep because of Kidney disease..very heart breaking.

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