Friday, July 31, 2009

The cat has found a new way to torment the dog.does your cat do this?

She catches these little shrews and doesn't hurt them so they are still lively but she keeps them just out of reach of the dog's tether. I bring the cat in, then if the critter hasn't run off, I pick it up with a gloved hand and release it in the woods. Then I take the dog in but next time she goes out she goes right to that spot again and barks.
My cat is that main cat in the house and being that i have 10 ..yes big number i know kitty to dog torture. My cats just beats the dog when he annoys her. Your cat is just creative and doesn't like your dog at all. You have to start taking the shrews to a spot the cat or dog can't find the poor little thing and in about a month or two it should disappear. This worked when my cat started being creative and tortured my doggy. Well best of luck to you and I hope your problems dissipate.
She scratches and bites her, thats all.
cool cat, my dog wouldn't tolerate a dog for 2 sec. he just slaps the sh. out of it
That darned cat!! Mine does the same thing. Drives me nuts. I want those darn squirrels and rodents too!! I don't know if I'd eat them or not, because the cat always plays with them first. One of these days.
I don't think she's tormenting the dog, per se, I think she just isn't willing to share her prizes! The cat will actually bring these critters for YOU, they are gifts. My cat brings them in through the pet door and goes straight for under the table in the breakfast room where it is tiled and he can "play" with them.

I also have two dogs and two other cats that want a piece of the action without working for it like the great hunter kitty did. :)
That's hilarious! I have 2 kittens and they are very inventive, when it comes to finding ways to entertain each other. Probably she's feeling sorry for the doggle and trying to provide him with some fun, without risking getting caught.
yes, my cat jumps on the back of my roommate's dog and now the dog is scared to come near my room
ROFL! Cats 1,948,284.Dogs 0

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