I have a stay kitten outside my house. It looks to be atleast 3 months at the most. No mother, and its afraid of humans. I feed it but still, Im not sure if it has an owner. If it did I think it was beat because its hand shy, you raise your hand it hightails away. Im worried about it cause theres some nut jobs in my neighborhood not to mention almost everyone has a dog. How can a catch it? My mom wont buy a trap but is there a way to make a home made one? Its kinda skinny and meows A LOT.
I would suspect abuse and it was probably abandoned. Leave out a box with a blanket in a sheltered area. Leave it food and water. if possible, try and go out every day and just sit close it. Make no sudden movements and maybe try to handfeed it. Hopefully, it will grow to trust you and you can catch it. Don't call Animal Control, that won't help anything. Please, don't abuse this poor kitten. Stray cats make wonderful pets, I know for a fact. If you do catch it, then if possible get it vaccinated and if you want it, keep it. Cats are great. If not, put an ad in the paper for awhile, to see if it has an owner or if somebody wants it, if not then give to a local animal shelter.
Set out a box it can nest in, with a blanket or towel, and leave food and water. Keep trying, but be gentle. Maybe try to go by the cat and let it approach you. Build it's trust first. I don't know about home-made traps. Win it over with love.
you can use a box, put it upside down prop it up with a stick and connect a string to it and put some food underneath and watch for her to come and when she goes under the box to get the food pull the string and you will have her.dont be afraid when you lift the box cause she is going to go crazy be gentle and it will be fine
Yeah you will have to win its trust. You could throw a blanket over it maybe.
it has probably been wild all of its life. and sadly it most likely has feline aids or leukemia and worms. dont take it around any of your cats, esp. if they havent had their shots!! if you really want to catch it try putting wet fish flavored cat food in a pet taxi and slam the door when it goes in. but i would leave it alone if you have other cats. if you really want t help it take it to the vet, and if it is disease free that would be wonderful, but like i said it probably isnt, and the best thing to do would be to put it to sleep, because aids and leukemia are very slow bad deaths for cats, trust me i know. i wouldnt try to handle it unles you have the special thick leather gloves designed for handling cats, because you dont want to be bit or scratched by it! and if its wild its going to scratch the caca out of you!!
keep feeding it. it will eventually get used to you. the kitten will know that you won't hurt it once you feed it and are nice to him or her.
i did this during the summer but my dad made me stop b/c there were skunks coming by.
anyways, don't give up. just make the kitten trust you and eventually he will come by your house more often and let you pick him up. he just has to know you won't hurt him.
Patience. And food.
I had this same thing happen to me,. I set out a live trap and put a blanket and food and milk in it. The kitten got in and could not get out. It was then I found him a good home and the 4 others that I found 2 weeks later. LOL..
Is there a way you can create a safe space in the back of your house or on a porch? A simple cardboard box would be OK. You can put food in there for the kitten and a old towel or blanket so it has a soft, warm place to stay.
You might be able to get a humane cat trap next week from a shelter. They might have an emergency line over the holiday. I would call as they will most likely have someone on duty who could advise you.
Feeding it is the best thing to do for now. If it's crying it may be very hungry. You should sit down as close as you can get to it while it eats and just talk to it softly or sing or anything like that. It will be reassured by the tone of your voice, soft and loving.
I hope you will be able to pick it up and bring it in before it gets hurt.
Well, my grandmom had a few stray cats move in (and now she has at least 9 of them!), and she has tamed them by tossing treats to them and feeding them. The first few cats that came were terrified of people when they arrived, but now they let visitors pet them. You just have to be really patient. My grandmom would eat a lot of her meals on the deck outside, also, so the cats could get used to her being around. One thing that my parents used to tame a pair of kittens that might also work for you is to giggle around a toy on a stick. It might take awhile, but curiosity will probably overpower your kitten's fear and it will come investigate, and maybe even play! Good luck and I hope this helps!
Do you have a animal shelter or someone that picks up stray animals, if so I would suggest for you to give them a call and they will bring a cage to collect the kitten. The kitten will get proper care and a physical check-up to see if it's sick or not. And being a kitten he would be put up for adoption, if he was a older cat and perhaps sick the case would be otherwise.
Don't wait too long to call, otherwise the poor kitten might meet it's end by the way you describe your neighbour or it might get run over.
Seriously, you will not help the kitten out by trying to carture it by yourself, by the way you describe him he sounds like he may need medical help. Don't wait.
Please contact your local animal shelter: most of them have live traps to lend out, and if not, a local vet should have one. Tuna fish is the best bait. Many kittens are afraid of humans until they feel the loving touch of a human hand. In the meantime, please keep feeding the kitten. When you catch her, your best course of action is to take her to a vet immediately, to be checked for feline leukemia, worms, etc..Best of luck to you, and thanks for being willing to help a little kitten.
it took me 4 months to get my hands on one that someone through out at my house. i just kept feeding it and talking to it. don't make any sudden movement when you get close to it. just have patience and maybe you will be able to touch it soon. be careful, don't let it bite you. i still have the one that i spent so much time trying to get and it was well worth it. his name is reggie. good luck!
I wouldn't recommend trying to catch it. It sounds as if the poor kitten has been through enough, and any more stress will only make it MORE leary of human contact. Just do as the others suggested; win it over with love. Put out a box with a blanket for it to snuggle in, and leave out food and water. Sit out there and talk to it, but keep a safe distance and allow it to come to you on its own terms.
And don't let it around any other cats you may have as it may be sick. Once you've earned its trust, you may be able to convince your mom to take it to the vet where it can be looked over, tested, and vaccinated.
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