Friday, July 31, 2009

Tapeworm in cats; is there any natural treatment?

Tape worms come from eating fleas usually unless your cat has been eating rabbit guts. You'll need PraziQ to worm her with and your only going to be able to get that at the vets. You should invest in a good flea treatment like advantage or front line. And if your cat has fleas they are in your house as well. The tape worms are easy to get rid of but just as easy to get again.
NO. you need to take the cat to the vet and have him worm the cat. it's hard on them and it's a bit more than you want to do at home.
i've heard hot sauce can kill a tape worm..but it might not be too good for a cat..
no natural treatment, but you can order the pills online which might be less expensive than the vet. You need to get Droncite or Drontal tablets. Try the Foster and Smith website, they sell all sorts of pet products.
Yes there is, but im not telling. Your cat needs to see a vet first and foremost. The natural treatments for tapeworms will only take half of the problem away. The natural treatments have a tendancy to make them re-occur with out contact of the worms themselves. Also, natural treatments have a high chance of escalating them as well. If cost is a concern for you (vet$), call them up and ask for your local cat shelter information. (dont tell'm u have a sick cat just tell'm you want to get a cat from a rescue) and ask the shelter for a cheap vet option. Thats what they use, and they'll gladly share that information with you. Also the humane societies can give you cheap vet cost options. Good luck, hope i have been of some help.
Go to the vet asap! she/he can die, Ask the vet for treatment..
I guess yes. My cats have the same thing and I just give them a normal medicine. I mean the same medicine like if you got worms in your stomac. trust me!
you need a vet to treat it and fast before it kills the cat.
first you should take your cat to the vet to deworm it .. and then do not let the cat eat raw meat .. that will casuse such worms to come .. it is an after treatment not a cure!!

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