Thursday, July 30, 2009

Suicidal housecat. What are the signs?

My cat had to become a housecat after previously being an outdoors cat (another one of our cats was killed by a coyote after we moved out to the country). He is sad %26 mad now, and I need to know the signs if kitty is SUICIDAL.
If he licks the electrical outlets around the house,constantly running into walls,or jumping off high places and landing on his back you just might have a suicidal cat.
I'm sure you could let your cat out sometimes, during the day when coyotes aren't active. Just be sure to bring him iinside in the evenings.
I dont know if there are such signs as a cat being suicidal. If i were you, I would just give him alot of love, and maybe a new cat. It would brighten things up a bit, hed get distracted. :) Hope it goes well 4 ur kitty, and you.
Uhm, I don't think animals have the capacity to commit suicide. IF you think he is depressed, take him to the vet.
if he buys a gun and starts drinking your scr.ewed.

you could help him by petting him, and talking to him. It conects them to you. You might also try giving him lots of toys rolled in cat-nip every now and then.
IDK but my sister's cat is bulemic.
I'm not sure how a cat would commit suicide, especially if it can't get out of the house. I can't see it slitting its little furry wrists in the bath, or slinging a rope over a beam in the garage. It's probably pretty pissed off at losing its freedom, but if it's for its own good there's not much else you can do. It might get used to it eventually, but there's a good chance it will stay pissed off forever.
Watch for if he starts playing with guns or explosives.

C'mon, get real.
Cats are too primitive (compared to humans) to fight the urge for self-preservation. He won't kill himself on purpose. Get a kitten for him to love and nurture. change up his environment a bit, new toys, new treats, etc. Try hiding bits of dry food around the house for him to "hunt". Maybe even try one of those "kitty videos" with birds and stuff in them. Good luck; if it comes down to it, maybe your vet can prescribe an antidepressant or anxiety med for him to help him adjust.
maybe get him a little friend to get his mind of his lost friend (another kitten or small puppy/dog) then if he/she isn't already spayed then do so, it'll cut the craving to want to roam.
Don't worry about your kitty becoming suicidal. Cats don't have the thought processes for that.

Your cat probably is acting up, pacing and yowling. Before, he was able to roam and/or mate at will and now he can't. Watch him closely whenever the door is opened because he will try to go out.

You can wait it out until he adjusts to his new situation or you can have him neutered. When neutered, cats loose their urge to roam and mate.

Good luck with your cat.
pulling out thier hair..bloody spots where fur used to be. knives on the counter.conspicuous paw prints on nearly open window sills.oh and the notes they leave.
Joking? if not try getting a cat the same breed as the one lost. Try to spoil suicidal kitty to let him know he is loved
if he's depressed, he may stop eating. i don't know that cat's have the mindset nor brain capacity to kill themselves in any intentional manner other than not eating.
Probably not suicidal, but there are things you can do to help the adjustment. If you have a screened-in porch or an area you can screen in, let him out there for a few hours each day (cat-safe plants and a kitty condo would help). Otherwise, find an area of the house with a window that is just for him. Buy a cat window perch, kitty condo, plants, etc. Let him hang out on the window sill, lots of toys, etc.

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