Thursday, July 30, 2009

Stinky, poopy cats?

All of my cats spontaneously developed loose bowels with the most god-awful, gagging, run from the room, open the windows, horrible stench. I haven't changed their food, given them any unusual treats, they don't seem to have gotten in the garbage, they all eat fine and don't have temperatures. No blood or evidence of worms in the poo. I'm losing my mind from the stench and the poopy footprints though. Help. Please, help.
Hi Jessica, I'm still laughing.I know this isn't funny,but the way you word you question..I'm still laughing.I'm sorry down to business. If all your cats are having loose bowels they probably have a virtis.Take one to the vet and let him know what the problem is.He will give you something to control the poo and the stench.LOL LOL LOL LOL.A Friend.

This is my worst nightmare. I'm sorry. Sounds like some kind of crazy kitty flu.
Take them to a vet. Sounds like a viral infection to me. Could be they ate something your not aware of. Mice come to mind, but if they have access to the great outdoors it could be anything. With loose bowels they need to get plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. Your vet can give them something to stop the diahrreah and check them over to make sure they are otherwise heathly. We gave ours good ole pepto bismol when we could not get to the vet the same day. (the vet recommend it to us) Good Luck and use fabreeze liberally!
You need to take your cats to the vet. Diarrhea is the body's way of telling you something is not right(even in cats) and if all of them have it you need to get it taken care of right away. They may have gotten into something you don't know about or have some kind of infection/virus they have passed on to each other. They could also get dehydrated and get sicker. Sorry about the smell, buy some smelly candles, carpet cleaner and a scrub brush. Good luck to you and your kitties.
Could they have been given milk? Milk is often a culprit for cat diarreah.
Sounds like a bug and the vet for the kitties.on the OTHER hand cats are territorial and I have had cats do strange things potty wise because of territory do not say HOW many you have and how long each has been with you.
Probably a stomach virus. Ooh..I know that ranky stench!!
your cats has got to be getting into something without you realizing it they hunters and they will get into everything without you even noticeing them watch to see if actually they are getting into something, cause something is making it impossible to smell to hang with the smell watch them to see what they get into and if you have a video camara when you gone tape them youll find out something so relax it will get better you'll see
Oh you poor thing! As if the smell isn't enough you have 'poopy footprints' to deal with. Sorry, but that's friggin' hilarious!!
There are a number of infections that cats and dogs can spread to one another simply through contact. A shared litterbox or food source can be one of the many reasons.

If your cats have diarrhea, you need to get them looked-at by a vet ASAP as they can rapidly become dehydrated and develop kidney problems.

Sometimes it's simply a bacterial infestation in their digestive tract and it needs to be balanced back to normal. The vet may prescribe something called "Tylan Powder" which can help to restore the normal balance of good bacteria and eliminate the loose stools.

Don't delay! Good luck.
Hi, It could be the anal sacs/anal glands. I don't know if you know about them, but you need to get them cleaned once in while in dogs/cats. A groomer can only do external anal sacs, but a vet is the only person who can do Internal cleaning of the anal sacs. It's usually a very messy problem, and the smell from it is enough to make every human want to run for cover. If you have never had them clean, you run the risk of having your pets get abscessed/impacted anal sacs which isn't a good thing.
It is very useful to take them to see a vet. They usually do some tests (samples of the stool), and afterwards will give you a prescription. The medication should stop the diarrhea, and also stop the stinky poop syndrome. I have had a similar experience with a very old cat. And after a few visits to the vet, he was completely cured!
I want to send radio,
Wat can i du for you?
what food are you feeding them? Try Natual Choice Complete Care Indoor Fornula dry food and don't give them any canned or soft food.

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