Friday, July 31, 2009

The left side of my cat's jaw is really swollen..could this be trouble with his teeth?

yes ..u should see a vet
same thing happened to my cat- but his jaw was broken - he climbed under a car and it broke his jaw when they turned it on. They wired him shut, and it healed. Take him to the vet ASAP!
You should get him to the vet ASAP. It could be dental problems, or he may have been bitten by another animal or insect.
Going to a vet is your best bet. It is very possible. Vets are perfesionals so they will know.
It could be an infected tooth or an abscess, a puss filled pocket (caused by a puncture wound and infection) that needs to be drained by a vet. In either case they will put your kitty on antibiotics and either pull the tooth or as before drain the pocket and possibly stitch it up if needed. Any case please go tho the vet and have it checked out. Either problem is easily fixed and will just require some time to heal.
Could be an allergy, but a vet should check him out incase it is more serious. Cats should be checked yearly, especially if he goes outside.
you should see a vet i could be anything maybe cancer
yes probaly a abbcess tooth
or she could have cut her gum
call the vet
Either that or a puncture wound from an encounter with another cat. He should see a vet. Let a professional deal with a cat with a sore tooth. I was cat sitting once and I noticed the sittee would only chew his kibble on one side of his mouth. Broken tooth. Vet pulled it. It didn't cost all that much. Cat sulked for days though. Can't blame him.

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