Thursday, July 30, 2009

Stop cat from eating plants?

How can I stop my cat from eating house plants? I've tried things like spraying the water bottle or yelling no, but what can I do when I can't be around her to make her stop?
There are sprays that taste bad, try one of those. Get them at pet stores.
Also, there are ultrasonic devices on motion sensors that will scare the cat away. Mostly in catalogs. Try Drs. Foster and Smith. They have everything, the website: drsfosterandsmith.
Both work when you are not around.
Good Luck
put rat poison on the leaves
Bitter apple spray can be purchased at any pet store and she will not want to eat the plants.

Get some kitty grass from a pet store. Cats like to eat this and somehow it helps them cleanse their systems of hair and stuff.
I used a combo of water and vineger. It worked for a little while, then eventually I just started spraying the cat with it when she got into the plants.
Give them some worm medicine ,it worked for my cats .
They like to eat grass/plants. . it's normal. Try planting grass seed in a planter and keeping it in the house. Maybe this will take the focus off of the rest of your house plants?
Put the plants in an area or in a room and close the door - I have even put a plant inside of a bird cage to keep animals out of the plants or hand the plants from the ceilings so the cats have no direct access - some plants can be deadly - you can try using a cat repellent or putting moth balls in small plastic bags and hanging them around the outside of the plant for the smell - most cats don't like the smell and plant some cat grass or catnip grass for the cat so she has her own safe plants to play with
I spray around my plants in the house so they dont go near it.
Cats often chew on plants to overcome a nutritional deficiency. There are cat foods designed for indoor cats that have greens in them. You can also get window gardens with plants designed for cats' needs at petstores and keep these available to your cats. Things such as Rye Grass, Mint and Catnip are often found in these mixtures.
In the mean time, be aware of what you are growing in your house and make sure they are not toxic to your cats.
Put a moth ball in the plant they don't like the smell of it, also there is a training spray. Spray it on the pot and the cat will keep away from it
I had to just finally give up and get rid of the house plants with my cats. It helped in 2 ways: (1) I didn't have to fight with kitty anymore and (2) it stopped a lot of the cat's vomiting.

If you aren't willing to get rid of the houseplants, you should research your particular plants to make sure they aren't poisonous to cats.

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