My husband and I recently took in a stray kitten, there are 2 other kittens that are living in our back yard.. The kitten we took into the house has recently started meowing constantly. We cant even get sleep at night because all he does is meow.. How can we get him to stop meowing so much? How do we litter train him? Does anyone have an idea of how much it would cost to take him to the vet and get him checked out to make sure nothing is wrong? Anyone have any advice for me, please !
Sounds as if the little guy is crying for his litter mates. My kitten did the same thing until I figured it out that this was happening when he was tired and wanted to sleep. I brought him to bed and cuddled him until he quieted, and the meowwwing finally dwindled. Now he merely looks around for his bros/sis's, meows once, as if in salute, then goes to bed, either on my bed or his own.
Don't worry, your will adjust.
Good Luck!
just put the litter down show him where it is . and hes probably missing the other cats
It depends how old little kitty is - he may be crying for his mum, or the other kittens in the yard are kitty's family and he wants to be with them as he can sense them. Phone up you local vet and ask regarding the price. To get one of my moggies done it cost 拢40ish pounds, if either of you are unemployed you may be able to get a reduced rate. Vets offer different levels of payment. Make sure you worm the little kitty to. A trip to the vet must be a must.
Good luck. Maybe you could take the other kittens to the vet they may be able to find homes for them.
he misses his mom and other cats also when they go in heat they meow like crazy as for litter training put him in there and it is instictive for them to want to go there as long as it is cleaned regularly. phone your local vet and they can answer on the phone they do vary in costs so if you call one that is too high call another or a spay or neuter clinic as they are cheaper
first of all if u intend to keep him ,make sure that he is clean enough .after that you have to hold him and check if he is okay , maybe he has some injury and thats causing him to meaw. if there is nothin wrong then he maybe just meawing for attention , dont leave him alone because little kittens need company at all times also make sure he has drink and water on reach . and another thing , dont ever lose hope in him or just throw him away , get used to how he behaves and notice how much he will get better as he grows up. best of luck to you.
he is calling his moither and his sisters or barothers. he was so surprised that he was lost from hios sight and now he do not know of their whereabouts. he will soon stop meowing after being accustomed of the new place where he is presently staying. just ;ignore his meowing and he will stop very soon just give him the necessary foods he waanted to eat
we had the same situation. i cute little kitten came on our step and wouldn't go away. so we took it it. we took it to the vet for a check up, that costed about 25 dollars. then we fed it. we litter trained by keeping him in a closet with only a blanket ans litter box. when we poured fresh litter the cat would smell it no matter where it was and use the bathroom in the box. in the next two days other cats came. they meowed and stayed around the house. so we let the cat be an outdoor cat. we feed it and watched it eat, so the food isn't stolen, and it runs off with its friends. the kitten seems happier and still spends time with us.
the reason he just started is because the 1st day he didnt realize he was gonna live here so now he is yowling fo his mama
I just went through the same thing. he misses his mom of course. The only thing you can do is love on him as much as you can. This will fulfill the bond that he is missing. He will eventually learn to live without his mom, and it could take up to three weeks, but he'll stop. get him toys to play wioth and that will take his mind off of everything. (the toy I reccoment is the carpeted base (for scratching) with a spring with a fuzzy ball attached to the top.Cats are normally not hard to litter train. Fix the box up and set him in it. Normally that's all it takes. If it has an accedent, pick up the po and put it in the box and the put the kitten in the box.
Okay you need to have.
* a blanket down on the bottom of the box. A elecric blanket would be great set on LOW of course. If you dont have one try filling up Latex gloves with Hot water and placing a blanket on top of them. Just check and make sure its not to hot (just like a baby)
Kittens cry most of the time because they are either hungry or cold.
*A stuffed animal in the box is great becasue it gives em something to curl up with like thier mom.
* Try a bottle to feed them every 2 hours, if they have teeth you can try a kitten wet food mixed with a little water(so they stay hydrated too) and warmed up just a little again make sure you check it like you would a baby.
*You can bath them with palmolive or dawn (a light washing not around the head) and warm water to rid of poop and fleas. And flea comb it all the time.
*TAKE IT TO THE VET!! It depends on where you live for the cost. BUT beware if you have other cats in your house and these kittens have Feline AIDS or Lukemia you can pass it to your cat. Until you get them teated dont let them in direct contact.
*Wash you hand everytime you handle them!
He is definitely crying for his family, maybe they cry for him too but only he can hear it. Is it possible for him to sleep with you? Your heartbeat and warmth may simulate that of his mother's.
As for litter training, I was lucky, mine were just instinctive with it. Sit him in his litter before bed, first thing of a morning and after he has each meal. They tend to use the 'toilet' after they have had a fed. Well done on taking in the little tacker, and good luck!
I found a kitten once that didn't even have its eyes open yet'I took it to the vet she talked of putting it to sleep or she said i could try an save it of course i decided to to try 'she said it would be messy he was to young to to go'' by him self id have to take a wet warm rag and apply it and make him go;; and get up during the night and bottle feed it she gave me this tiny baby bottle and special milk and he lived for many years and was so smart he;d set up and beg for food i lost him during his surgery he was having i never regretted saving him just still miss him. don;t know how old this one is but you can also buy the special milk and bottles at the pet store; and please try to find homes for the little ones out side too;also after he eats put him in the litter box every time'
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